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Sperm whales are the most common type of whale that we can find. They are present in almost every ocean and see in the world. Pacific Ocean, Atlantic Ocean, Indian ocean etc. They usually prefer ice free waters that are over 1000 meters deep. However they cant be found in the black and red seas.

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Q: What part of the world would you find a sperm whale?
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What part of the world can you find a sperm whale?

Pretty much anywhere in the oceans of the world, except for the Arctic

Where would you find a whale?

you could find a whale all over the world. you can find a whale in the sea.

Can you find baleen in a sperm whale?


How much sperm in a sperm whale?

that's for me to know and you to find out.

What are all the whales you can find in endless ocean 2?

you can find the beluga,orca,narwal,southern bottle nose whale,humpback whale,north Atlantic right whale,pygmy sperm whale, Antarctic minke whale, gray whale, sperm whale and blue whale

Will you find bits and pieces of a giant squid inside a sperm whale?

The sperm whale eats the giant squid, so yes, you will find bits and pieces of the giant squid inside them.

What is the type of white whale that you would find at San Diego sea world?

The beluga whale (Delphinapterus Leucas).

Which zone does a sperm whale live in?

Sperm whales are the most common type of whale that we can find. They are present in almost every ocean and see in the world. Pacific ocean, Atlantic Ocean, Indian Ocean etc. They usually prefer ice free waters that are over 1000 meters deep. However they cant be found in the black and red seas.

Where would you find the world's largest life-forms?

The ocean. The blue whale resides there.

Where too find a sperm whale at the red sea in Endless Ocean blue world?

Sperm whales can be found rarely in the twin crevasses, and also extremely rarely in the super drop off. I found one in the twin crevasses.

What part of the world does a sperm whale live?

Sperm whales are the most common type of whale that we can find. They are present in almost every ocean and see in the world. Pacific ocean, Atlantic Ocean, Indian Ocean etc. They usually prefer ice free waters that are over 1000 meters deep. However they cant be found in the black and red seas.