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Q: What parts of the constitution are the result of compromises that settled disagreements between the south and northern states?
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How did war provoke disagreements between north and south?

Other way round. Disagreements between the Northern and Southern sections of the USA had been threatening secession and war for many years. Only a series of compromises had prevented this.

When the constitution was written there were many disagreements between the states. How were these disputes settled?

The disputes were settled by compromises and trading so that each state would be satisfied with the end result.

What were the compromises between the articles of confederation and the constitution?

they both are vey inprotant

When the constitution was written there were many disagreements between the states these disputes were settled through?

a. dissolution

What were the major debates and compromises that affected the creation of the U.S constitution?

Political Debates Between Lincoln and Douglas.

What are the key Powers of the executive branch?

1. Interpret The Nations laws! 2. And toe settle disagreements between states, to protect the constitution!

One of the compromises made between northern southern state during the constitutional convention of 1787 concerned?

counting slaves in the population

What laws helped keep the peace between the North and South before the 1860's?

A series of compromises, to reassure the South that Congress was not favouring Northern interests at their expense.

Compromise between north and south?

The compromises that the northern and southern states reached were the great compromise and the Three-Fifthy compromise

What issue was at the heart of one of the compromises made between northern and southern states during the Constitutional Convention of 1787?

There was a major disagreement between the states over representation in Congress.

What was the purpose of the US congressional compromises leading up to the US Civil War?

Compromises between the North and the South began with the writing of the US Constitution, however, in the 19th century, three major compromises were made between the North and the South. The purpose of the compromises were to keep the number of free states and slave states equal in number. The last compromise can be said to be the Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854. There citizens would vote on slavery in there own territories. The US Congress, thereby washed its hands of the old style compromises. The people within territories would vote on the issue, Congress retreated from the slavery issue battle.

How do you deal with disagreements between?

Buy ear plugs.