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The right of people in Western Canada to have representation or at least a say in their colonization by Canada.

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Q: What people did Louis Riel stand up for?
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What was Louis riel best known for doing?

he was known best as a hero. He stood up for those who could not stand up for themselves (i.e. French-speaking people) he was executed for "treason" which in my opinion is wrong!Hope it helps!he was queer

What Louis riel did?

Louis stood up to a colonizing Canada and swung at the end of rope for it.

Where did Louis riel grow up?

the red river colony

Why would Louis Riel be considered a hero in Quebec?

Because he was already part french, so the quebec people decided to stick up for him

How many children does Louis riel have?

Louis Riel had 2 children. One was a boy and one was a girl. The girl died at a very young age, and the boy grew up, but never had children. The girl's name was Angelique and the boy's name was Beau.

Was Louis Riel a Criminal?

Louis Riel was a Métis political leader who led two resistance movements against the Canadian government. While he was tried and executed for treason, his actions were rooted in the defense of Métis rights and autonomy rather than criminal behavior. Riel is now recognized as a key figure in Canadian history for his advocacy of Métis rights.

Was Louis Riel a hero or a traitor?

I think that Louis Riel was both a hero and a traitor becuase to some people he was a hero but for others he was a triator .__________________Riel is both a hero and a traitor.To Canada Riel is a traitor, a criminal, a murderous villain. Riel stood up for the rights of those who lived in and had rightful claim to, lands Canada bought from the Hudson Bay Company. Lands Canada wanted everyone to think of as empty of people.To many in the lands colonised by Canada Riel is a hero for standing up against Canada, standing up for the rights of the little guy against a violent colonizer.To many in Quebec he is a hero because he was French and stood up to an English Canada, an Ontario Canada.

How did Louis Riel find Manitoba?

Louis Riel was the reason Manitoba was created. The metis were being treated unfairly so Louis Riel made a petition to make this happen and surprisingly it happened. Although it couldn't just happen instantly, it took alot of courage to make this happen, you needed to get a petition started and create a list of rights for the province and the people that will live in it like all provinces. Although it wasn't a very big piece of land, the metis and other people still appreciated it. anonymous.

Why do we still remember Louis riel?

Because he stood up against Canadian rule and created an important part of Western Canadian history.

How did Louis riel change Canada?

he fought for the freedom of the Metis. ---------------------- Riel did little to nothing good for Canada. He exposed the myth that the North and West lands Canada bought and colonised were empty of people. He also showed that Canada was just as capable of the violence of the British Empire when they sent troops into what is today Western Canada and used force and massive immigration to advance their colonisation cause.

Is Louis Riel sane or insane?

The best brief description of Louis Riel is "clever but unbalanced." Riel's sanity during the so-called Red River Rebellion (the formation of the provisional government in 1868-70) is questionable. His legal analysis of the situation which led to the formation of the provisional government, however, was quite sound. There is little doubt among historians concerning the period during which he led the North West Rebellion of 1885. Riel was then clearly not sane.

What was Louis Riel's contributions to Canada?

When they were sold to Canada the Red River Colony did not have a government with which to carry on negotiations with those wanting to rule them. Riel was one of many who stood up and helped set up a provisional government to represent the locals.