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The Pilgrims.

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Q: What people left England for religious reasons?
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What group left England for religious reasons?

The Puritans.

Why did the Puritan's settle Massachusetts bay?

For Religious reasons, they left England to rebble against the Church of England.

For which reason were the Northern Colonies initially settled?

The Northern colonies were initially settled by groups of people from England who left for religious reasons. People also settled in the Northern colonies for economic reasons.

Why did the group of people who established the Plymouth Colony leave England?

The group of people that left England for the Plymouth Colony did so mostly for religious reasons. They were being mistreated in England and the Netherlands and thought America would be better.

Why did the group of people who establish the Plymouth colony leave England?

The group of people that left England for the Plymouth Colony did so mostly for religious reasons. They were being mistreated in England and the Netherlands and thought America would be better.

When did colonists leave England?

The colonists first left in 1607 for many reasons like religious and economics.

Why did the people leave Great Britain or the US?

People left Great Britain for the US looking for a new life. There were many reasons people left, some left for religious reasons while others left looking for work.

Why did most people move to the colonial from England?

Left mostly for religious freedom.

What were the reasons why people left the Massachusetts bay colony?

Because they wanted religious freedom

Why were the Pilgrims also called Separatists?

The Pilgrims were called Separatists because they left the Church of England. Because of this, the Pilgrims were persecuted in England and came to the New World for religious reasons.

Why did the Voyage of the Mayflower take place?

The majority of the passengers on the Mayflower were English religious Puritans who had been living in The Netherlands in order to enjoy the religious freedom that was a available to them there but not in England. However, they did not like the cultural assimilation that was impacting their community, so they obtained from the King of England a grant of lands to settle in America. They hired the Mayflower to take them there. The voyage occurred because that was how they traveled to America.

Why did some religious people want to reform the church?

the colonists left England for religious freedom for Christianity.