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the percent is 46

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Blood type AB is the most rare blood type. It is estimated that 4% of the US population has blood type AB, according to the Blood Center at Stanford University.

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What type of blood can a a person with type o blood receive?

Type O blood because type O blood has no markers on the blood cells so the anti-markers will not go into action against the blood cells.

What is the third rarest blood type?

AB+ is the third rarest blood type. 1 person in 29 has AB+ which is 3.4% percent of the population.

What percent of people have o positive?

Officials say 38 percent of the United States population has type O positive blood, making it the most common of the eight blood types. Since 84 percent of the U.S. population can receive type O positive blood, there is a steady demand for it from hospitals and patients. People with type O negative blood are particularly in demand because they are the "universal donor." It means that people of all blood types can receive type O negative blood safely, so it is used during life-threatening emergencies or when the matching blood type is in short supply. ----- Type O negative is roughly 15 percent of the population

Which blood type is the rarest?

AB Negative is the rarest blood type with less than one percent of the population having that type. However, the person with this type of blood can also receive several other types.

What percent of people have o positive blood?

Officials say 38 percent of the United States population has type O positive blood, making it the most common of the eight blood types. Since 84 percent of the U.S. population can receive type O positive blood, there is a steady demand for it from hospitals and patients. People with type O negative blood are particularly in demand because they are the "universal donor." It means that people of all blood types can receive type O negative blood safely, so it is used during life-threatening emergencies or when the matching blood type is in short supply. ----- Type O negative is roughly 15 percent of the population

What is a blood type and is it different for everyone?

Not everyone has the same blood type. Almost 95 percent of the worlds population is blood type O and A. Blood type O and A, are the thinnest blood and lowest blood volume. A blood type is just a classification of blood base, depending on the "presence or absence of inherited antigenic substances".

Not knowing what blood type I am, what percent chance would be that i would have 0 negative?

There are blood type kits available for purchase online, on websites such as Amazon. You can also ask a doctor to perform a blood test on you, and he or she can evaluate what blood type you are.As for what percent chance there is that you have o negative, it depends. Wikipedia states 6.6% of the US population has O negative blood type.

In a percentage, how common is each blood type among humans?

Each country in the world computes their own percentages of blood types. I will answer the American percentage of blood types: O+ is 37%, O- is 6%, A+ is 34%, A- is 6%, B+ is 10%, B- is 2%, AB+ is 4% and AB- is 1%.

What is the least common blood type?

Officially, there are 8 different types of blood but it is close since there are positive and negative versions of blood types A,B,AB, and O. But the least common type would be blood type AB-.

How are antibodies related to the type of blood a person can receive?

o because o has no markers on any of the blood cells.

What is the most common blood type?

The most common blood type is O+, which is 40% of humans blood type.

What is so unique about having a negative type blood?

Having a negative blood type is rare in humans. About five percent of the population are a negative blood type. Negative blood types mean you are lacking an antibody in your blood to fight off certain infections or preventing miscarriages.