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a egg shell is white because of the atomic acid formed in the hen

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Q: What percentage of the hen's egg is the egg white?
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Related questions

What are the parts in the hens egg system?

egg shell,egg yolk,egg white

What is the name given to the protein in the white of a hens egg?


What is the color of a hens egg?

A hen's egg could either be white or light brown or yellow

Why do white hens lay white eggs and brown hens lay brown eggs and black hens don't lay black eggs?

Feather coloring does not influence the color of the egg laid. The breed of the hen dictates what color her eggs will be.

Why do brown egg hens sometimes lay white eggs?

A breed that will lay a brown egg, will not lay a white or tinted egg. However, the eggs will be darker at the begging of hens laying cycle, and can fade to an extremely pale shade by the end of her laying cycle. The only other reason why a hen might lay an unexpected egg color, would be if she was a mix.

Why are three brown eggs?

Brown eggs come from hens that are mostly brown such as Plymouth Rock and Rhode Island. White eggs come from white hens such as the white Leghorn.Another viewFeather colour is not actually a good indicator of the colour egg the hen will lay. Breed of hen will determine the colour of the egg shell. Black Cochin hens lay brown eggs, white Ameraucana hens will lay green shelled eggs. It is believed the colour of the feathers near the ears of a hen is an indicator but that too is not always reliable.

Are the eggs you eat from chickens or eggs?

They are from CHICKENS OR HENS because an egg can not produce another egg. (They are hens not chickens.)

Is hens egg is haram or halal?

yes the hens eggs is halal.

Which animal look after their egg?


Is it possible to have 3 hens and get an egg with an embryo inside?

If you only have hens then no it is not possible. You need a rooster with the hens to get an embryo.

What type of chicken lay brown eggs?

Go to and hatchery website and select brown egg layers. You can tell from cross bred chickens by the color of the feathers around there ear canal. White=white egg, brown=brown egg. On our farm the best brown egg layers are Rhode Island Reds (production or heritage), Barred Rocks, and Moyers ( a breed by Moyer Hatchery)

Parts of an egg?

There are five main part of a hens egg, the outer shell, the albumen or egg white, the yolk, there is a membrane between the albumen and the shell and an air space at the fat end of the egg.