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Q: What pests and snakes in Martinique?
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Do snakes help us?

Snakes help us by eating rodents and other pests.

How are snakes pests?

Snakes can be pests as the venomous species are a danger to people who come too close or accidentally step on them. Large snakes sometimes prey on chickens, rabbits, and similar sized animals raised by farmers. However snakes can also be beneficial. Many snakes eat mice and rats that could otherwise damage crops.

Is snake animal or pest?

The classifications of animal and pest are not mutually exclusive. Many animals are pests. Snakes are animals, but are not usually counted as pests.

How snakes help humans?

Snakes kill pests like rat and mice so farmers aren't forced to use pesticides.

Why do farmers pet secretary birds?

to kill snakes, rats and other pests in their fields.

What pests do snakes help control by eating them?

they mostly eat rats or mice some people feed there snakes frozens rats or mice you can get there food at local pet shops.

How do you spell Martinique in French?


Does the Bandy-bandy snake have an important role in its ecosystem?

All snakes have a place in the ecosystem, they eat other pests you don't want around.

What is the hotel martinique?

The Hotel Martinique is a company that provides Hotel Listings, Car Rentals and Cruises for Martinique. Martinique is an island in the Caribbean. On the website, you will find everything you need to set up a whole vacation in Martinique.

Is martinique a volcanic island?

Yes. Martinique is volcanic.

How snakes helps in agricultural productivity?

Snakes eat mice and rats. The mice and rats eat and destroy fruit and other ag products as well as bring disease to farm animals. Getting rid of these pests is helpful to the farmer.