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Tiger sharks eyes have excellent vision in low light and can detect electric fields and tiny vibrations in the water. They can also adjust their eyes quickly according to how light or dark the water is. These adaptations allow the tiger shark to detect hidden prey. The jaw of the tiger shark is adapted to be wide and powerful, enabling it to eat and destroy anything. The tiger sharks teeth are adapted to be very sharp and serrated, so that it can tear up all its pray, including seals, birds, fish, other sharks and even turtle shells! The teeth are also replaced over and over through the life of the shark. This is so that when the tooth wears down, it is simply replaced by a new tooth. The tiger shark also has lateral line receptors . These are thin lines on the body that sense vibration movement,water pressure, temperature and sound. These help the shark to detect prey. The shark also has a great sense of smell, which helps them to detect prey from a long way away. Tiger sharks have stripes on their body, which help them to survive because it helps them blend in. Tiger sharks have fins that help them to swim so they can escape from predators, but they also have them to catch prey. The caudal fin is the fin with the most power, and it really proprels the shark along.

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Q: What physical adaptations does a tiger shark have to catch its pray?
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