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Q: What pipe you cannot use for drinking water?
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How do you know if you have copper or steel drinking water pipes?

Galvanized pipe will be silver/gray color. Copper will be copper. Use a magnet, it'll stick to galvanized pipe but not to copper. Drinking water lines should not be black steel pipe.

What is the procedure to make stainless still pipe and is this pipe is safe to use for drinking water pipe line?

The making of stainless steel pipe is a long and intense process. There is a piece of round bar that is heated at first and then a mandrel is inserted into it giving it a round and hollow shape. Due to its irregular shape the pipe is rolled continuously and cooled down with chilled water for making it hard. And of course the stainless steel pipe is safe for drinking water as it is resistant to corrosion and is much durable.

Will there be a drinking water shortage in Saudi Arabia?

Yes snd no, Saudi arabis has most of its drinking water delivered in large bottles. on the other hand in Saudi we had pipe water only three to four days each week. we had to save water in big containers to use when there was no water. Yes snd no, Saudi arabis has most of its drinking water delivered in large bottles. on the other hand in Saudi we had pipe water only three to four days each week. we had to save water in big containers to use when there was no water.

Can you use bottle water for fighting fish?

No, you cannot use bottle water for your fighting has to be drinking water, but not out of a water bottle, due to the additives and the filthering process.

Countries that use ocean water as a drinking source?

None: You can desalinate it, distill it, but you cannot drink seawater.

What type of pipe do you use to hook up a water riser?

water pipe

Why use cpvc pipe?

Mainly for making water pipe.

Can you use drinking water in batteries?

No, use distilled water.

Is it possible to change a glass of salty water into normal drinking water?

Yes. You can do this by boiling the salty water, set up a filtration system with a pipe attached to the glass (don't use actual glass! use metal!) and the other end of the pipe to another container. As the salty water evaporates, u will catch the steam and fresh water will trickle out the other side. wait till it cools and enjoy

How is the Mississippi used do people use it as drinking water or boats?

Obviously drinking water.

What is a water main?

a water main is the main pipe that the city and towns use to move water from place to place. its the main pipe, so if this pipe breaks it can effect a lot of people

What will water rates money be used for?

Most places use this money to move the water by pump and/or pipe from it's source to a processing plant, at the plant they test and treat the water to make it safe for drinking, then the water is moved to its destination (your house) by pump and/or pipe. The pipes, pumps, and plant must be built and maintained and the people must be paid. These are the things that the money is used for.