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Q: What planet has drifting continents and active volcanoes?
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Does the planet Mars have active volcanoes?

it has volcanoes, but none are active

Will a planet with active volcanoes have more or fewer craters than a planet without active volcanoes?

A planet with active volcanoes will have fewer craters, as older craters will tend to be buried by lava and ash.

Would a planet with active or less active volcanoes have more craters?

A planet with fewer active volcanoes would have more craters, as the ash and lava from volcanoes will cover existing craters.

How many active and non active volcanoes are on this planet?


Which continent are still drifting?

All of the continents are still drifting. you see all the continents have been drifting since some planet struck Earth about 3.5 billion yrs ago and our planet was turned into a great ball of lava and magma then the top cooled and the continents and the crust were both formed. ever since the continents have been drifting around the globe. In fact, there was a super continent before Pangaea but before that scientists can't tell if there was another subcontinent, but super continents prove that every continent has drift.

Does the planet Mercury have active volcanoes?

No, Mercury seems to be inactive rock.

Which planet do you find dead volcanoes?

Venus, Earth, and Mars all have extinct volcanoes. Earth, however has active and dormant volcanoes as well.

Which planet has most volcanoes?

The planet Earth has the most active volcanoes.Mars had the largest volcano known in the solar systemVenus had the most volcanoes.Io a moon of Jupiter has the most active volcanoes in the Solar System, with over 400.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Earth has the most active volcanoes where as Mars has the biggest volcanoe in the universe but the planet which has the most volcanoes would be Venus.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------A difficult question as it depends on whether you include active, inactive or dormant.Including all of them, then Venus, followed by Earth and then Mars.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Forgetting planets, then Io a moon of Jupiter is the most active volcanic body in our Solar System with over 400 known active volcanoes.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Very easy answer . . . Venus has perhaps up to a million volcanoes. For sure it has more than 100,000 volcanoes - we cannot yet tell how many of these are active, or temporarily dormant.

What planet that looks like a desert with mountain craters and active volcanoes?

planet mars is the fourth planet from the sun.the planet derives its name from that of roman god of war

Where is the setting of the story that describe the time of the movie Ice Ages Continental Drift?

Well the whole movie is about all continents drifting so planet earth

What two planets in the solar system are known to have active volcanos?

There is only one planet in the solar system that is known to have active volcanoes. That is Earth.

What inner planet has had volcanoes in the past?

Mercury' are still active are Earth'sMars may or may not have active volcanos