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A planet with active volcanoes will have fewer craters, as older craters will tend to be buried by lava and ash.

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Q: Will a planet with active volcanoes have more or fewer craters than a planet without active volcanoes?
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Would a planet with active or less active volcanoes have more craters?

A planet with fewer active volcanoes would have more craters, as the ash and lava from volcanoes will cover existing craters.

What planet that looks like a desert with mountain craters and active volcanoes?

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Does Saturn have volcano craters?

No. Saturn is a gas planet with no solid surface. It has no volcanoes or craters.

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There is no terrestrial planet without craters.

Does the planet Mars have active volcanoes?

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No. Uranus is a gas planet. It does not have a solid surface.

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What are very large craters most likely the result of?

Most craters are caused by meteorites crashing to the planet. However, some volcanoes when formed, look like craters.

What planet is most covered with craters?

Mercury. It has a lot of craters as the planet has no atmosphere to speak of and therefore no weather. Meteors are allowed to collide with the planet a lot more easily as the lack of atmosphere means that they don't burn or break up, the lack of weather also means that the craters stay put once they are formed, much like on our moon. There are also no active volcanoes to cover matter over the formed craters.

Are there craters storms hurricanes volcanoes or floods on Neptune?

Craters - No. Storms - Yes. Hurricanes - These are storms. Volcanoes - No. Floods - No. Neptune is a gas giant, which means it is made of gas and has no solid surface. Without a surface it is impossible for impact craters and volcanoes to form. There are no floods on the planet because there is no water. It will be impossible for Neptune to hold water because it has no surface to flow on and it is absolutely freezing. Neptune is the stormiest planet discovered so far. Winds average 750mph, with storms recorded to be as fast as 1,200mph.

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Does Neptune have volcanoes craters and rings?

Volcanoes - No. Craters - No. Rings - Yes. Neptune is a gas giant. A gas giant does not have a solid surface or rocks. Therefore it is impossible for impact craters and volcanoes to form. Neptune has very faint blue-white rings that are very difficult to see.