

What planet is tilted so far it rotates on its side?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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that would be your mom

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Q: What planet is tilted so far it rotates on its side?
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This planet tilts over so far from its axis that it rotates on its side?

Thats planet Uranus.

Which planet in our solar system is the only one to rotate in a different direction from the others?

There are actually 2 planets that are different. Venus rotates counter clockwise. (Sun rises in the West on Venus) Neptune is tilted so far over that it rotates on its side. Instead of a North and South pole, it has an East and West pole.

What is the planet that tips over so far that it rotates on its axis?

All Planets spin on their axis, the axis by definition is the line that a planet spins about. Uranus, one of the four gas giants, is tilted on its side by 98 degrees. This is thought to have been a result from a collision long ago in the early solar system.

Why for one quarter of the planets orbit is one pole in complete darkness on Uranus?

I think you'll find that for ANY planet whose axis of rotation is not perpendicular to theplane of its orbit, each of its poles is in darkness during half of its orbital revolution.Take the Earth, for example: From March 21 until September 21, the sun never rises atthe south pole. And from September 21 until March 21, it never rises at the north pole.

How would the surface of the moon look different if the crust on the far side were the same as the near side?

While the earth rotates, the moon revolves around it. While the moon rotates it has different phases. Improvement : I think this question is about the fact that the Moon's crust seems to be thicker on the "far side". This may be why there's much less sign of volcanic activity on the far side.

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it is mars on the other side of the sun . it is saturn in the other side....

What might the surface temperature be like on a planet with no atmosphere?

It depends on how far away the planet is from a star. If it's close, it's hot. Also, if the planet rotates on its axis there would be a big day-night temperature difference.

What will happen if a pitcher of water is tilted too far?

If a pitcher of water is tilted too far, the water will spill out of the container.

Why does Uranus rotate in a north south direction as it revolves around the sun?

Because Uranus is tilted so far on it's axis that it essentially "rolls" on it's equator as it rotates. Astronomers are still debating the reason or cause for that.

Why do you never see the far side of the moon?

You never see the far side of the moon because the moon rotates around Earth much, much faster than it revolves on it's axis. Hope this helped!

What is unique about the rotation of Uranus?

All the planets in our solar system have an axis of rotation roughly perpendicular to the plane of their orbit (including Venus, which spins the opposite direction to that of its orbit). By contrast, Uranus is unique in that it rotates on its side, the axis almost parallel to the orbital plane - tilted about 98 degrees.

When the earth tilted on its axis recently how far and why?

The Earth's axis is tilted at an angle of about 23.5 degrees compared to the plane of the Earth's orbit, also called the "ecliptic". As far as we know, it has been at this angle for billions of years; probably since the impact with a "rogue" planet that created the Moon about 4 billion years ago.