

Best Answer


Mercury 0.206

Venus 0.007

Earth 0.017

Mars 0.093

Jupiter 0.048

Saturn 0.056

Uranus 0.047

Neptune 0.009

Pluto 0.250

Only Venus and Neptune have less eccentric orbits than the Earth.

The planet's orbits is nearly a circle, with the Sun off-centre by a distance equal to the radius times the eccentricity.

The minor axis is equal to the major axis times sqrt(1 - eccentricity-squared).

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Q: What planets have orbits that are more eccentric than the earth's?
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Does all planets have elliptical orbits?

Yes, none of the planets in our solar system have exactly circular orbits, though some are more eccentric than others.

Which planet has an orbital eccentricity most like the orbital eccentricity of the earth?

The Earths orbit is fairly un-eccentric when compared to the other planets, with only Neptune and Venus having more regular (less eccentric) orbits. The eccentricity of earths orbit is 0.0167, the closest to this is Neptune's, with a value of 0.00859

How do outer planets move?

Their orbital velocity is much slower than the planets closer to the Sun. Their orbits can also be more eccentric.

If the planets' orbits were circular would their distance from the sun always be the same?

Yes. However, the orbits of all planets are elliptical. Some planets, like Earth, have a very low "eccentricity", which is a measure of how non-circular they are. Earth's orbit is not quite circular, but fairly close. Other planets, like Mars, have more eccentric orbits, and their perihelion and aphelion distances are substantially different.

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Like all orbiting bodies, an asteroid moves in an ellipse. Compared to the planets, these orbits have a higher probability of being more eccentric ("stretched out", further from being a circle). That is why some asteroids cross the orbit of the earth. Most asteroids move in near-circular orbits between Mars and Jupiter. A close approach to another asteroid or one of these planets can alter the orbit to a more eccentric one.

Is the earths eccentricity more or less eccentricity than a circle?

More eccentric.

What are the planets orbits?

The planets orbits are the routes or paths that the planets follow around our sun. One orbit is one trip around the sun (one year).

What is is the difference between the orbit of a comet and the orbit of a planet?

Comets have elliptical orbits as do planets, in general a comets orbit is more elliptical than a planets orbit. In some cases far more, insomuch as they are temporary visitors to our solar system. --- Comets are small bodies of rock and ice which are in a highly eccentric orbit around the sun. They spend most of their time slowly orbiting the sun, far out beyond the outer planets. Their orbit eventually brings them closer to the sun where they can then be seen more easily as the sun heats the surface and causes gas and dust to come away from the comet. Planets have much more regular orbits, their distance from the sun varies too, but to a much lesser degree. Planets orbits dont cross each others, and they are all on a similar plane. comets orbits are not always on the planetary plane and will cross the orbits of many planets throughout their eccentric orbit.

Terrestrail planets move more rapidly in their orbits than the jovian planets because terrestrail planets are?

closer to the sun

Why are dwarf planets different?

Dwarf planets are very small and usually have much more elliptical orbits than normal planets.

Do denser planets have larger orbits in the solar system?

no, then inner solid planets are more dense than the outer gas planets

Do comets orbit around the sun just like planets?

Yes, they do. But their orbits are highly eccentric. That means that their orbit first takes them very close to the Sun and then very far away, making the orbit very elongated. Also, all the planets orbit the Sun in more-or-less the same plane. ie, All the orbits are in line (Picture a disc). The orbit of most comets, on the other hand, are not in the same plane. Check the images in the related links for a better idea on their orbits.