

What plants have no moons?

Updated: 11/2/2022
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12y ago

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Only Mercury and Venus dont have any moons.

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12y ago

As far as we've been able to tell, Mercury and Venus have.

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Q: What plants have no moons?
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Do all the plants in the solar system have moons?

I believe you mean "planets" because in no way do plants, which grow in various climates out of the earth's crust with the right amount of sunlight and water to survive through photosynthesis, have "moons". To answer your question, no, not all planets in the solar system have moons, but six out of eight do. - Earth has 1 moon. - Mars has 2 moons. - Jupiter has 64 moons. - Saturn has 62 moons. - Uranus has 27 moons. - Neptune has 13 moons. Mercury and Venus have 0 moons.

Is mars the only planet with two moons?

Well mars is the the only planet with TWO moons (Phobos and Deimos)other plants have a lot more moons. Jupiter and Saturn- 70+ moons Neptune and Uranus- 15+ moons

What are the moons of the plants of the solar system examples of?

They are examples of moons. Pressumably, many planets around other stars will also have moons, although as far as I know, this hasn't been confirmed yet.

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What plants have two or more moons?

Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.

What is name of mechanical devise showing movement of plants and moons in solar system?

It is an orrery.

What has many moons inner planets or outer planets?

the inner plants have a total of three moons. our moon, and two moons of mars. Phobos, and Deimos. but the out planets have many more moons. Neptune has the least amount of moons out of all the outer planets. it has 13 moons. but, the other outer planets have way more. Jupiter even has 63. of course, there are probably many more moons still to be discovered. well, not for earth and mars. in total, the outer planets must have at least 100 moons.

Which two plants have no moon?

Mercury and Venus are the two planets that have no moon. Earth has one moon and Mars has two smaller moons. Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune have numerous moons.

Does the moon have plants?

No, there are not currently any known forms of life on Earth's moon (or any other moons).

Why do plants and their moons appears to shine?

They are reflecting the light of the Sun much the same way as our own Moon does

Why do plants and the moons shine so brightly if they do not produce light?

It is because of the Sun giving light off on to the moon and the moon reflecting the light onto the plants.

Which characteristics is common to the four outer plants in our solar system?

They are all gaseous planets with rings systems and many moons.