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Q: What president borrowed the most money while in office?
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Which president made the most money while in office?

President Obama

What president has spent the most money while in office?

george w bush

What president spent the most money on education while in office?

Bush. 43

First president married while in office?

The first president to get married while in office was John Tyler. John Tyler was also the first president to have his wife die while in office.

Name something a president does while campaigning but not while in office?

kiss babies, make promises, give speeches, travel, raise money

What does the president have to do with his money?

The president is forced to place investments in a blind trust so that they do not have conflicts of interest while in office. They must declare their income as taxable income to the state.

What is the office the president uses while in the white house?

the Oval Office

Was there a war while President Grant was in office?


What part of the Constitution says that the office of the President should be transferred to the Vice President if the President dies while in office?

The 25th Amendment !

If the president dies while in office who does the job go to?

Vice president

What medical benefits does the President receive while in office?

The President gets free medical care through the army hospital system while he is in office.

Was President Ronald Reagan divorced while still in office?

No, while in office he was with Nancy and he died married to her.