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Ronald Reagan was a sort of gentleman rancher. He had a ranch he liked to ride over, but I think he lost money on it. Theodore spent some summers working on a ranch and may have had a financial interest in one.

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Q: What president was a rancher?
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What president worked as a rancher and author before the president of the US?

Theodore Roosevelt was a respected author and rancher before the Presidency.

Who was a rancher before they was president?

No president earned his living as a rancher. Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush owned ranches as tax shelters where they relaxed.

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No, he helped invent jolly rancher candy and collected Western art.

What type of career did President George Herbert Walker Bush have before his Presidentsy?

I heard he was a rancher or a farmer

Which president was a rancher?

President Lyndon B. Johnson was a rancher prior to occupying the oval office. His ranch remained a very important part of his life and heritage. He was born, raised, died and was buried there. Former First Lady, Ladybird Johnson, continued to live on the ranch until she passed away in 2007.

What did Theodore Roosevelt do before he became president?

State legislator, rancher, police commissioner of New York City, Secretary of the Navy, Governor of New York and Vice President were some of Roosevelt's many careers.

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Which president had worked as a rancher and author?

Theodore Roosevelt and Ronald Reagan both spent some time on a ranch and both did some writing.

When was Jolly Rancher created?

Jolly Rancher was created in 1949.

When was Phantom Rancher created?

Phantom Rancher was created in 1940.

How many carbohydrates in a jolly rancher?

"There is approximately 25 calories in one Jolly Rancher"

What is green Jolly Rancher made out of?

Green jolly rancher stuff :)