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the mormons faced many problems, firstly they lived far away from any civilisation causing isolation to all the mormons, they also couldn't recieve any supplies/food or resources from the east as it was too difficult this meant that they had to live completely off the land which proved hard because the land was not the most inhabitable, they faced rivalry from many people because of their beliefs such as polygamy and that black slaves should have freedom.

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Q: What problems did the mormons face in the american west?
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How did the Mormons move west?

The Mormons traveled west in wagons, with handcarts and later by train.

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The signifigence of the Mormons moving west was for them to escape religious percsecution

What state was settled by Mormons in the west?

Utah was settled by Mormons.

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Both Mormons and homesteaders faced the problem of living far from 'civilized' society. Getting supplies from the east was difficult, so most were forced to live entirely off the land.

How do you compare and contrast the Mormons and the 49ers?

Mormons were traveling west in search of religious freedom. 49ers were traveling west in search of wealth.

Indian Removal Act and Mormons?

Both the Indian Removal Act and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the 'Mormon' church) began in the spring of 1830. The Indian Removal act sent many Native American Tribes west of the Mississippi River. These relocated tribes were encountered by the Mormons about 15 years later when the Mormons were forced west of the Mississippi River as well. The Native Americans felt sorry for the Mormons and helped them survive in the harsh west.

Seeking political freedom the Mormons traveled West in what is now?

Mormons traveled west in either a conestoga wagon or handcart and settled in Utah.

What have the Mormons contribute to America?

The Mormons contributed to America because they believe that America is a special nation and that God was involved in its founding. In the Book of Mormon, the American continent is described as the 'Promised Land', the place where Zion will be established. The Doctrine and Covenants of the Church says that the constitution of the United States was established by God and that the Founding Fathers recieved inspiration from Him. (section 101:80) For these reasons, Mormons (at least American Mormons) love America and strive to serve their country.