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Part of the cell division that somatic cells undertake is mitosis.

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Mitosis, or;
The Biochemically based Process known as Mitotic Cellular Division.

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Q: What process produces new somatic Cells?
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What type of cells does mitosis create?

Mitosis produce somatic cells,In the sense that it produces cells in the body. However, mitosis does not complete the cell multiplying process. It is the second stage.

What is the name of the process that cells use to divide?

Mitosis is the process that produces new 2N cells from 2N cells Meiosis is the process that produces 1N reproductive cells.

What is the difference the difference between mitosis and meiosis?

Mitosis produces 2 diploid cells and Meiosis produces 4 haploid cells and Mitosis involves 1 division while meiosis involes 2 divisoinsMitosis takes place within somatic cells (cells that make up the body), while meiosis takes place within gamete cells (sex cells). As such, meiosis produces more gamete cells, and mitosis produces somatic cells. Mitosis is the process which is responsible for replacing dead or wounded skin cells. Mitosis divides a single somatic cell into two daughter cells, while gametes are produced in fours; more specifically, one single cell produces four daughter cells.Mitosis the reproduction of body cells. After going through Mitosis, the new daughter cells will have the same number of chromosomes as the parent cells. Meiosis is the reproduction of reproductive/sex cells. After completing the process, the daughter cells have 1/2 the number of chromosomes as the parent cells.For example:Mitosis: Body cells begin with 46 chromosomes. The new daughter cells will have the same amount.Meiosis: Reproductive cell X (X being a variable) has 46 chromosomes. After completing meiosis, the daughter cells will have 23 chromosomes.

What and the difference between meiosis and mitosis?

Mitosis produces 2 diploid cells and Meiosis produces 4 haploid cells and Mitosis involves 1 division while meiosis involes 2 divisoinsMitosis takes place within somatic cells (cells that make up the body), while meiosis takes place within gamete cells (sex cells). As such, meiosis produces more gamete cells, and mitosis produces somatic cells. Mitosis is the process which is responsible for replacing dead or wounded skin cells. Mitosis divides a single somatic cell into two daughter cells, while gametes are produced in fours; more specifically, one single cell produces four daughter cells.Mitosis the reproduction of body cells. After going through Mitosis, the new daughter cells will have the same number of chromosomes as the parent cells. Meiosis is the reproduction of reproductive/sex cells. After completing the process, the daughter cells have 1/2 the number of chromosomes as the parent cells.For example:Mitosis: Body cells begin with 46 chromosomes. The new daughter cells will have the same amount.Meiosis: Reproductive cell X (X being a variable) has 46 chromosomes. After completing meiosis, the daughter cells will have 23 chromosomes.

Are gamete cells mutations and somatic cells mutations inheritable?

Since only gamete cells actually participate in the creation of a new organism, it is only the mutations in gamete cells which are inheritable; mutations in somatic cells are not inheritable.

Type of cell produced in mitosis?

Mitosis produces two daughter cells that are genetically identical to the parent cell.

Why don't somatic cells go through meiosis?

Somatic cells do not go through meiosis because they are not involved in the formation of eggs or sperm. Meiosis is specifically for the production of gametes (sperm and eggs) in organisms for sexual reproduction. Somatic cells undergo mitosis to produce new somatic cells for growth and repair.

Which organ system produces two cells?

The reproductive system is the organ system that produces two cells: the egg (ova) in females and sperm in males. These cells are involved in the process of fertilization to generate a new organism.

How many new cells do body cells produce when they divide?

From one parent somatic cell, two daughter cells are created.

The process of what produces a new copy of an organism's genetic information?

The process that makes a new copy of an organism's genetic information and then passes it on to new cells is called mitosis.

The cloning of cells involves in the process of?

The cloning of cells involves the production of genetically identical copies of a cell through a process called somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT). In SCNT, the nucleus of a somatic cell is inserted into an egg cell that has had its nucleus removed. This new cell then divides and develops into an identical copy of the original cell.

Somatic embryogenesis is illustrated when cells from a fragmented sponge recombine to form new sponges?
