

What produces a star's energy?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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12y ago

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The nuclear fusion that goes on within the star.

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Q: What produces a star's energy?
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Fusions is the process where?

Nuclear fusion is the process that produces energy in the stars, including our sun

What does the stars have to do with nuclear energy?

Because the process whereby the star produces energy is nuclear fusion, hydrogen becomes helium with release of energy

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The sun because it's hot and humans turn it into energy

Why are stars so important?

Stars play a variety of roles. First and foremost, the sun is a star. It provides the heat and light necessary for life of Earth. Stars also create most of the elements we find. Before stars started forming all matter in the universe consisted of hydrogen, helium, and trace amounts of lithium. All other elements have since been made in the thermonuclear furnaces of stars.

How stars get hot?

well, stars are balls of gas (hydrogen) which fuses into helium. is also how how the sun produces energy but stars can reach a temp. of 20,000 if purple if it is blue probley 10,000

How Hot can stars get?

well, stars are balls of gas (hydrogen) which fuses into helium. is also how how the sun produces energy but stars can reach a temp. of 20,000 if purple if it is blue probley 10,000

Do Hotter stars age more slowly then cooler stars?

The surface temperature is not a reliable indicator about how long a star will last. However, the total energy output is. If a star produces a lot of energy, it will burn through its fuel faster.

Which process combines lighter elements into heavier elements and produces energy within the sun and other stars?

That is called "nuclear fusion".

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What produces the Sun's energy?

Fusion produces the Sun's energy .

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