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what are the chemical preservatives use for milk

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Q: What product of bacteria can help to preserve milk?
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Related questions

Which bacteria helps in curdling of milk?

The bacteria which help in curding of milk is lactobacillus.

Does algae turn milk into yogurt?

No. Bacteria help turn milk into yogurt; usually a bacteria named acidophilus.

What fluid is good to help preserve a dislocated and or fractured tooth?

Place a fractured or dislocated tooth in milk to temporarily preserve it.

What kind of food do bacteria help us make from milk?

Cheese, yogurt, and buttermilk are three examples of food made from milk with the help of bacteria.

How does pasteurisation affect the bacteria milk?

Hoy do bacteria help change mili into yogurt?

How does bacteria affect the pH in milk?

Bacteria in milk causes milk to sour by changing lactose to lactic acid. This causes the pH to drop and once the pH drops low enough, the proteins in the milk will curdle.

The difference between bacterial count of UHT milk and pasteurised milk?

UHT milk is sterilised at 142°C for 2 - 3 seconds. There should not be more than 10 bacteria per ml of product. Pasteurised milk is heat treated at 72°C for 15 seconds. There should be a maximum of 10000 bacteria per ml of product.

Is bacteria helpful?

Bacteria can be helpful as it is found in foods like Yogurt and milk that can help you grow. So the answer is yes.

Why does putting milk in refrigerator help to prevent curdling?

slows growth of bacteria

Explain the formation of yogurt with the help of microorganisms?

Milk + Bacteria -> Yoghurt by elvis

How is bacteria helpful to people four ways?

Bacteria in our digestive tract help break down food so that we can assimilate it. Bacteria in the soil help break down soil nutrients so that plants can assimilate it. Bacteria in milk help turn milk into cheese. (That's all I've got right now.)

What does bacteria in milk cause?

Bacteria in milk gives you Crohn's diease.Bacteria are around us everywhere. Bacteria live around us, on us, andinside us. Bacteria in milk can come from the cow, or get in to the milkafter it leaves the cow. A process called "pasteurization" kills some of thebacteria to make the milk last longer before it spoils.The exact cause of Crohn's disease is not known. So it's not quite right tosay that milk, or bacteria in milk 'cause' Crohn's disease. Eating milk orother foods might make some people with Crohn's disease sick, but the causeof the disease is still not fully understood by scientists.The bacteria in milk are beneficial in a lot of ways -- bacteria make milkproducts like cheese. Bacteria in our guts help to keep us healthy bykeeping disease-causing bacteria out. In cows, bacteria help digest thegrass they eat. There are tons of ways bacteria are helpful, and these arejust a few!