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Q: What provides cellular support and protects cells from pathogens?
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Cellular wastes are removed by your kidneys.

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The skeleton provides support for the organs and the muscles.

What lies outside the cell membrane and protects and supports the cell?

The exoskeleton provides support for the plasmalemma, as does various proteins.

What system provides a frame to protect and support body parts?

Skeletal system protects your body parts and your bodies.

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the atmosphere forms a protective boundary between earth and space and provides conditions that are suitable for life

What Type of connective tissue protects internal organs and provides rigid support for muscle attachment?

Fascia protects internal organs and Tendons allow muscles to attach to bones

What does fat supply for the body?

Fat provides insulation under the skin from the cold and the heat. Fat also protects organs and bones from shock and provides support for organs.

What protects and support the cells in plant?

Turgidty protects the plant and give it support

What does the sternem protect?

The sternum protects some of your major organs like the hart and lungs, it also provides support to both organs and your whole body!!!

What does the seletal system do?

it provides support and shape, enables you to move, protects your internal organs,produces blood cells, and stores certain materials that your body needs

What part of the body has vertebrae?

The part of the body that has vertebrae is the spine. The spinal column consists of 33 vertebrae which provides support to the body and protects the spinal cord.