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Q: What punctuation mark is used to separate parts of a compound sentence that are not joined by a conjunction unless the parts are very short?
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What is the meaning of a semicolon?

The meaning of a semicolon is to separate TWO complete thoughts..... " . . . a punctuation mark used to separate two parts of a compound sentence when they are not connected by a conjunction."

What does a compound sentence have to have?

A compound sentence has to have two complete thoughts, each with a separate subject and predicate. It also has to have a conjunction that joins or relates them to each other.

What punctuation mark should you use in place of a period to separate two sentences where the conjunction has been left out?


Show me an example of a compound sentence?

A compound sentence is basically a sentence that can be broken into two. Here is one example: The weather was horrible, but the caravan continued to travel. Here's another one: the news was not that great: he was in grave condition. Notice how these two sentences are separated by a punctuation. In the first instance it was separated by a comma, the second one by a colon. I you do not separate the two sentences by some type of proper punctuation then this becomes a run-on sentence.

What conjunctions are not one of the coordinating conjunctions often used to combine the clauses of a compound sentence?

Some examples of conjunctions that are not coordinating conjunctions used to combine clauses in a compound sentence are "although," "because," "since," and "while." These are subordinating conjunctions that introduce dependent clauses and cannot connect independent clauses on their own.

A sentence that continues into another without punctuation is called?

These kinds of sentences are called run-on sentences. They contain multiple ideas without the correct punctuation to separate them. These can be easily fixed by inserting punctuation.

What is the dash key?

The dash key (-) is a punctuation mark used to indicate a pause or break in a sentence. It can also be used to create compound words or to separate numbers in a range.

What is a blended sentence?

A blended sentence is a grammatically incorrect sentence that combines two independent clauses without proper punctuation or conjunction. It often occurs when someone accidentally merges two separate thoughts or phrases into one. For example, "I went to the store I bought milk," is a blended sentence because it combines two independent clauses without a proper connector.

Can you use a conjunction to fix a run on sentence?

Yes, you can use a conjunction like "and," "but," or "or" to connect two independent clauses in a run-on sentence. This helps clarify the relationship between the ideas and create a grammatically correct sentence.

What happens if two independent clauses are connected by a semicolon?

A semicolon would be the appropriate punctuation connecting two independent clauses IF there is no coordinating conjunction; However, if there IS a coordinating conjunction (and, but...) then you would only use a comma to separate both independent clauses

Make a sentence with the word alphabetize in a compound?

A compound sentence is a sentence with two separate clauses, that could be made into two sentences. The clauses are often linked with a conjunction like 'and' or 'but'. Alphabetize means to arrange in alphabetical order.Can you alphabetize this list of words for me and then put them into a database.

Do you put a comma after the word 'and' in a compound sentence?

Yes, in most cases, you should use a comma before the conjunction "and" in a compound sentence to separate the two independent clauses. This helps clarify the different elements of the sentence for the reader.