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Pericles emphasized the values of democracy, freedom, and individuality in Athenian life. He highlighted qualities like openness to new ideas and diversity. In contrast, Archidamus from Sparta emphasized discipline, obedience, and military excellence as the key values in Spartan life. He valued conformity and a strong sense of duty to the state.

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Q: What qualities of the athenain life does pericles mention and how does these contrast with those that archidamus point out for sprta?
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When was pericles birthday?

Pericles was born around 495 BC. The exact date of his birth is not known.

What was pericles goal?

Pericles had set three main goals, military goal, artistic goal, and political goal. Those where the goals he wanted to accomplish, so it would make Athens a better city and a city who would be known for its beauty and for how well it was constructed.

How did pericles define citizenship?

Pericles defined citizenship in ancient Athens as the right and obligation to participate in the political life of the city-state, including serving in public office, voting on laws, and participating in the Assembly. He emphasized the importance of active civic engagement to maintain a healthy democracy.

Suppose you could travel back in time to deliver a eulogy for pericles What would you say?

I would honor Pericles by highlighting his leadership in Athens, emphasizing his dedication to democracy, his ability to inspire the people, and his commitment to the arts and education. I would emphasize his impact on shaping the Golden Age of Athens and his contributions to the city's cultural and intellectual development.

Which leader made Athens a center for art philosophy and architecture?

Pericles, a prominent statesman of ancient Athens, is credited with transforming the city into a center for art, philosophy, and architecture. Through his leadership, Athens experienced a golden age marked by significant cultural and intellectual advancements, including the construction of iconic structures such as the Parthenon and the development of democratic principles.

Related questions

What qualities of Athenian life does Pericles mention How do these contrast with those that Athenian points out for Sparta?

Philosophy, theatre, education, literature and thought.

Who was the main leader during the peloponnesian war?

Notably , the main leaders during the Peloponnesian Wars was Pericles leading Athens and Archidamus II of Sparta ~ See related link below .

What qualities did pericles's have?

i dont know what my answer is thats why im asking you guys

Why did pericles die?

Pericles died from the plague.

Did Pericles die?

Pericles died from the plague.

Who was pericles enemies?

Who was an opponent of Pericles

What did Pericles believed in?

What did Pericles beleive in

Is Pericles single?

No, Pericles is not single.

Did pericles have children?

Yes, Pericles had a son - also pericles - with the metic Asphasia.

Who died first Socrates or Pericles?


Definition of pericles?

Pericles is a man's name. He is a character in Greek Myth and in the Shakespearean play Pericles.

Who incureged pericles to do democracy?

who told pericles to do democracy