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He distributed several pieces of meat around different cities in Iraq. The last piece of meat to rot was in today's al baghdad. so Al mansur decided to build the Abbasid capital there since he believed it had the cleanest air, and the most peaceful environment.

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Q: What reasons did caliph al mansur have the city of Baghdad built at its location?
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What was the capital of Islam 750-1250 AD?

Baghdad. Al-Mansur made it Baghdad.

Who built Baghdad?

Baghdad Was Built BY Abassid Caliphate Abu Jafar Al-Mansur in 762 A.D

Who is the founder of Baghdad?

It was established by Abu Jafar Al-Mansur, the second Abbasid ruler.

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The original House of Wisdom was set up in Baghdad in the 9th century CE during the rules of three notable Abbasid caliphs - Al-Mansur, Harun al-Rashid and Al-Ma'mun. A later 'House of Wisdom' was established in Cairo in 1004 by a Fatimid caliph.

Who was the first Abbassid Caliph?

The Abbassids were ruled by Kings who styled themselves Caliphs (since all previous rulers of the Moslem Empires had done similarly. The First Abbassid Caliph is Abu Al-Abbas As-Saffah. He ruled from 750 CE to 754 CE and was succeeded by the Abbassid Al-Mansur (there is a different Umayyad Al-Mansur in Spain in the 900s).

What kind of city was Baghdad?

Baghdad was a great economical and social hub for the mid east and other parts of the world. Founded in the 8th century by Caliph al-Mansur (r. 754 - 775) as the capital of the Abbasid Dynasty. My uncle has been to Baghdad before the war and during the war. He said that before (and soon after) the first gulf war that even with Saddam in power it was a great city and it seemed that people were fairly happy. It had so many cultural icons being once Mesopotamia and the fertile crescent, many of such have been looted and sold to highest bidder and sadly will never be seen again.

What city founded in 762 was the capital of the Abbasids?

In 762 AD, the Abbasid Caliphate under Al Mansur built a new capital at Baghdad.

Which was the capital of Muslim empire in the Time of Haroon Rasheed?

The city of Baghdad was founded on July 30th 762 AD by Caliph Abu Ja'far Al-Mansur. He believed that Baghdad was the perfect city to be the capital of the Islamic empire under his family, the Abbasid dynasty.Haroon Al Rashid was born in, roughly, 766 AD and died in 809 AD. He was the grandson of Caliph Abu Ja'far Al-Mansur. His father, Al Mahdi, became Caliph from 775-785 AD. His mother was a Yemeni and former-slave named Al Khayzuran.While he was only in his teens, his father ordered him to lead a massive Muslim army, ninety-five thousand strong, against the Eastern Roman Empire, Byzantium. The army swiftly reached the Bosphorus and Byzantium was defeated and a deal was struck by which the capital, Constantinople, would be spared in return for an annual payment of gold. Haroon was honoured with the nickname Al-Rashid meaning "The Upright" at this time, and though aged only 16, commanded territories covering Tunisia, Syria, Egypt, Armenia and Azarbeijan. When his elder brother died, four years later, he became next in line for the throne.While still in his early twenties, Haroon succeded his father as Caliph. He immediately surrounded himself with intellectuals as his advisors and, under his rule, the prosperity of Baghdad increased remarkably. Baghdad was soon regarded as a major centre of knowledge and trade. He became famous for his habit of going about the city disguised as an ordinary citizen where he would converse with the normal people to discover their concerns. As a result he was, for most of his life, a popular and successful ruler.

When did Mansur I die?

Mansur I died in 976.

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Fauzi Mansur's birth name is Fauzi Abdalla Mansur.

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Jossy Mansur's birth name is Jossy Mehren Mansur.

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Bibelot Mansur's birth name is Bibelot Almendra Mansur Rodrguez.