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The electron transport chain releases energy in order to pump protons (hydrogen ions) from the stroma into the thylakoid compartment, creating a proton gradient within the thylakoid membrane.

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provides energy to produce ATP molecules

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Q: What releases energy that is used to pump hydrogen ions from the stroma into the thylakoid compartment?
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Do high temperatures break hydrogen bonds?

They are fused into helium and create energy. But it takes 4 hydrogen atoms to make 1 atom of helium. The Hydrogen is first converted to Deuterium (heavy hydrogen), and the two deuterium atoms fuse to make the Helium atom. This process releases a lot of energy, not the least because of the neutrons released. Lol

The decomposition of 10 g ammonia produces hydrogen and nitrogen gases and releases 6300 cal of energy.How much energy is required to form 10g of ammonia from a mixture of hydrogen and nitrogen gases?

6300, lavoisier law

Which protein complex allows hydrogen ions to rush out of the thylacoid providing energy that can be used to make a molecule?

ATP synthase allows H+ ions to pass through the thylakoid membrane.

What are the disadvantages about hydrogen?

Hydrogen is very flammable and can easily explode. Look back the Hindenburg blimp that used hydrogen. Hydrogen burns very cleanly leaving just water vapor of a byproduct. Using Hydrogen as a fuel for cars sounds great except that you need to make it by splitting water into Hydrogen and Oxygen. That uses up as much energy as the burning of Hydrogen releases. In use as a fuel for cars, you can imagine the explosion when a hydrogen tank bursts and ignites.

Process that is the source of the suns energy?

The Sun's energy comes from nuclear fusion where hydrogen is slammed together with so much force that 4 hydrogen atoms will fuse together to form one helium atom. Nuclear fusion releases incredible amounts of heat energy. Other larger stars fuse the heavier elements when they collapse and then explode. This is called a super nova.

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A high concentration of H in the thylakoid compartment provides energy for what?

A high concentration of H in the thylakoid compartment provides energy for the production of ATP and ATP synthase. ATP is responsible for the transportation of chemical energy within cells, which is necessary for metabolism.

What purpose does Thylakoid serve?

Thylakoid is a membrane-bound compartment inside cells known as chloroplasts and cyanobacteria. Thylakoid serve to facilitate the light-depended reactions of photosynthesis. They convert light and glucose to energy.

Which protein allows hydrogen ions to rush out of the thylakoid providing energy for molecule formation?

The ATP synthase

What uses energy from the high-energy electrons to transport hydrogen across the thylakoid membrane?

The protein complex ATP synthase uses the energy from high-energy electrons to transport hydrogen ions across the thylakoid membrane during the process of photosynthesis. This creates a proton gradient that drives the production of ATP, which is an important energy carrier in the cell.

What is the function of the Thylakoid?

A thylakoid is a membrane compartment that is bound inside the chloroplasts and cyanobacteria. It is the site of the light-dependent reactions for the process of photosynthesis

Were does the energy to move hydrogen ions across the thylakoid membrane come from?

where does the energy used to establish the proton gradient across the thylakoid membrane come from? In other words, from splitting of water. well that's not what he said but there you go.

What is the protein rich soln in the thycloid?

The protein-rich solution in the thylakoid is called the lumen. It is a fluid-filled compartment inside the thylakoid membrane where various proteins involved in photosynthesis are located. These proteins play important roles in capturing light energy and converting it into chemical energy.

Is the reaction of hydrogen are exothermic or endothermic?

The reaction of hydrogen is exothermic. It releases energy when it combines with oxygen to form water.

What part of the chloroplast is split. forming oxygen?

The thylakoid space uses photolysis to break water into hydrogen ions and oxygen.

What is an hydrogen bomb?

A hydrogen bomb is a nuclear weapon that releases atomic energy by union of light(hydrogen) nuclear at high temperatures to form helium.

Which fuel releases the most energy per Kilogram?

Pure hydrogen gas releases the most energy per kilogram when burned, producing 142 MJ/kg.