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You mean polygamy? Many religions practice polygamy, including Islam, some Christian groups, and many regional or tribal religions in Africa and Asia.

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Q: What religion supports pologamy?
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No. The Amish, like most Christians, reject the practice of polygamy.

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Create? Neither can create the other. Shape or influence? Certainly. History shows that they borrow from each other and shape each other. The main religion in a culture typically supports the culture, just as the culture supports it; each accommodating the other.

What is pologamy marriage?

Polygamy is a form of marriage in which an individual has multiple spouses at the same time. This practice can take various forms, such as polygyny (one husband with multiple wives) or polyandry (one wife with multiple husbands). Polygamy is permitted in some cultures and religions, while it is illegal in others.

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Who outlawed pologamy in the state of Utah?

The United States government outlawed polygamy in all it's states and territories in 1865. As Utah was a territory at that time, polygamy was outlawed in Utah Territory by an act of the United States government.