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They had to pay poll taxes and the Grandfather Clause restricted many from voting.

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Q: What requirement kept blacks from voting?
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Related questions

What was the impact of literacy test and poll taxes in Georgia?

They kept blacks and poor whites from voting

Why was the poll tax used as a voting qualification?

Because this was often a stratagem used to keep blacks from voting. Traditionally counties in the US raise revenue by taxing land and property. Few blacks owned any land in the post-war south. A poll tax is a tax on each person. Few blacks had any money to pay this tax. Neither did poor whites either, for that matter. If payment of the tax was a requirement before a person could vote, the poll tax kept most blacks and poor whites, who were otherwise qualified to vote, from voting.

What voting restrictions were imposed upon blacks?

They had to pay poll tax or own property, pass a literacy test, and there was a grandfather clause which kept anyone without an ancestor who had previously voted from voting.

Is voting a requirement in Japan?

There is no compulsory voting in Japan.

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Who expressed the belief that racism would end blacks acquired practical works skills and proved their economic value to society?

Booker t washington

How did the fourthteenth amendment give blacks voting rights?

It was not the fourteenth amendment that specifically gave blacks voting rights. It is the 15th. The 14th gave citizenship and citizenship rights.

Which voting requirement was first to be eliminated?


What are obstacles to economic independence and political freedom that Blacks faced during and after Reconstruction in the South?

Black people still faced widespread discrimination by whites. Eventually the Jim Crow laws were passed which segregated blacks from many parts of society and kept most of them from voting.

What do blacks gain for voting?

they can gain an amount of respect for their opinion

What was passed to protect voting rights for blacks in the south?


Whites used to block blacks from voting?

I believe so............................................................................................................................