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There is no single thing that is renewable and non-renewable at the same time. That's a contradiction in terms.

Some kinds of wood (fast growing pine plantations, for example) are renewable, while other kinds of wood (teak and mahogany, perhaps) are non-renewable as they take very many years to grow again.

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13y ago
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14y ago

Some Natural Resources are renewable, like:

  • sunshine
  • water
  • wind
  • tidal energy
  • plantation forest timber
Other natural resources are non-renewable, like:
  • coal
  • oil
  • natural gas
  • diamonds
  • gold
  • iron ore
  • bauxite
  • rainforest timber
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13y ago

Yes, it actually can. Take water, for instance. It is a renewable, non-renewable, AND a permanent resource. Resources can be both.

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Both forms of energy that supply the world with electricity.

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