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The rule is, children have to be at least 12 years of age. Also, they have to work no more than 10-12 hours and six days a week! But companies aren't following the rules. BTW, I know that's you you have a DETENTION

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Q: What rights are not being given to children in child labor?
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If it was given to the child, then no.

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Yes. There are two separate concepts here:If you have a child, you have certain natural rights to see that child and participate in its rearing. These rights can be given up.If you have a child, you have certain natural responsibilities to provide for the child. These responsibilities cannot be given up, though someone else can voluntarily assume them.

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Assuming you don't have legal custody of the child, you have whatever visitation rights the court have given you.

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If the parent or parents are able to manage themselves perfectly fine without the child being a hindering problem, then the parent or parents have the right to adopt that child (some tests may be given.)

When mother has full custody of a child what are the rights of the stepfather vs the natural father?

The rights of the natural father depends on if the father has given up his rights or not. If he has not given up his rights, he has the same rights as the mother, or as outlines in the custody order.