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In Canada we have 'Labor Relations' where you can form a complaint against the company you work for naming the person in that company that is threatening your job by bullying. Often the employee wins the case, but, in most cases if the person who is the bully is the owner or a Manager and is not fired the employee most likely will have to seek out a new job. Employees have more rights than Managements will let them know about and thus, that is why most people prefer working for a Union company.

This is not bullying by a Superior in a company:

  • Asking you to work over-time when you may not get paid for that over-time.
  • Refusing to give you time off if your Superior feels the reason is not serious enough.
  • If your Superior is rude; direct; this is not bullying, but is just what it is.
  • If your Superior has good reason to think you are taking too much time off work without a doctor's note or, does not feel you are doing as good a job as you could be doing.

This is bullying by a Superior in a company:

  • Threatening your job if you refuse to work over-time.
  • Sexual harassment ... threatening an employee to do as they ask or they will lose their job.
  • A personal dislike of an employee's personality causing that employee not to get the raises they should get; bonus'; being rude to that employee while the Superior treats others in a more pleasant manner with the benefits given.
  • A dislike of an employee where the Superior tries to make each day they come in as unpleasant as possible in order for that employee to be so upset they quit their job and the Superior does not have to fire them.
  • Refusing to give 'Bereavement time' off. If someone in that employees immediate family passes away and the Superior tries to cut corners by not allowing that employee to take the time off for the funeral, etc.

There are many more factors to both sides of the coin regarding Management vs employees. If it is a Supervisor causing the problem then go to Management as a group regarding this Supervisor. One of the employees should address Management (boss) about the problem and ask in a polite way if the employees could have a meeting with him/her. If there are more than 15 employees then one of the employees will have no choice, but to represent the other employees when meeting with Management. If this is the case then draw up a petition with all employees signatures on it so you can hand it over to Management or your boss.

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Q: What rights do employees have to protect us from work place bullying?
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