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You will smell bad, Look bad & will subject yourself to a variety of diseases & infections. No to mention the social rejection most people will not want to be around you.

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Q: What risk may arise if you do not maintain good personal hygiene?
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Why is it important to maintain good personal hygiene?

so you have a healthy life

Why is personal hygiene so important?

Hygiene is good because it keeps up with your aprence

What army regulation covers field sanitation?

Field Manual 21-10: Field Hygiene and Sanitation covers personal hygiene in the field and Army Regulation 670-1: Wear and Appearance of Army Uniforms and Insignia states "Soldiers will maintain good personal hygiene and grooming on a daily basis..."

How concerned should one be with personal hygiene?

Personal hygiene is very important to keep up. A lack of good hygiene will cause you to smell and people will not want to be around you.

How does personal hygiene impact on food hygiene and presentation?

Personal hygiene has a tremendous impact on food hygiene and presentation. If the preparer does not follow proper personal hygiene the recipient may be exposed to fecal contamination with their meal.

What are the precaution for cholera?

Cleaniness , good sanitation and personal hygiene

What is the importance of personal hygiene when painting?

Shrek Good question.

What can you do to erase the body odor?

Take a bath often and maintain good hygiene .

Why personal hygiene is imoportant?

Personal hygiene is extremely important for everyone. Good hygiene helps to minimize or prevent spreading of viruses and bacteria. This is essential to help prevent everyone from getting sick.

Can one really practice personal hygiene?

Anyone can practice personal hygiene. it can take time to get used to but you'll feel good about yourself once you get the hang of it.

Can fungal infections be prevented?

Good personal hygiene should be maintained.

What is the best method of preventing Actinomycosis?

The best prevention is to maintain good dental hygiene.