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Respiratory acidosis is caused by any condition that interferes with the ability of the lungs to exchange gases, specifically to remove carbon dioxide from blood. And there is an elevated carbon dioxide level in blood with acidosis.

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Q: What role does carbon dioxide play in producing respiratory acidosis?
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What is the role of carbon dioxide in respiration?

Respiratory acidosis results from the lungs' inability to remove the carbon dioxide that the body produces. The excess carbon dioxide in the system causes the blood to become overly acidic, resulting in the condition, respiratory acidosis.

When someone breathes rapidly is this respiratory acidosis?

No. If you breathe too fast, you will blow off too much carbon dioxide, and cause respiratory alkalosis, wich is the opposite of respiratory acidosis,

What develops when carbon dioxide is produced more rapidly than it is excreted by the lungs?

Respiratory Acidosis

A patient choking on a hot dog is this respiratory acidosis or respiratory alkalosis?

This is respiratory acidosis. The patient will be unable to perform proper gas exchange due to the obstruction (food). As a result, the carbon dioxide levels will rise, and the pH will drop.

When can respiratory acidosis occur?

There are multiple issues that can lead to respiratory acidosis, but respiratory acidosis is defined as when the lungs cannot eliminate CO2, which leads to buildup of carbonic acid (traditionally broken down into CO2 and Water in the lungs).

Why does tachycardia occur w asthma?

fast breathing rate In asthma or other lung diseases, the ability to expire carbon dioxide decreases, resulting in buildup of carbon dioxide in the blood, resulting in respiratory acidosis (decreased pH in the blood). Acidosis stimulates the respiratory centers in the brain, causing the respiratory rate to increase (tachypnea) to attempt to normalize the pH of the blood.

What happens when carbon dioxide levels in the blood increases?

When carbon dioxide levels in the blood are too low hyperventilation can occur. Hyperventilation can have voluntary or involuntary causes.

Distinguish between acidosis and alkalosis resulting from respiratory and metabolic factors?

If the patient's pH goes down, the patient will become acidotic. Their pH goes down when their CO2 in their blood is increased. If their pH does up, they will become alkadotic. This is caused by the direct relationship between bicarbonate (HCO3) and pH. If their bicarbonate levels rise their pH will rise also. Hope that helps.

What does the respiratory remove?

carbon dioxide

What gas does the respiratory system get rid of?

The respiratory system utilises oxygen from the environmrntal gases and expires carbon dioxide (CO2).

When does acidosis occurs?

Respiratory acidosis is a condition that occurs when the lungs fails to remove all of the carbon dioxide the body produces. This causes body fluids, especially the blood, to become too acidic. Reasons for respiratory acidosis include: diseases of the airways; diseases of the chest; diseases affecting the nerves and muscles that signal the lungs to inflate or deflate; and drugs that suppress breathing, especially when mixed with alcohol.

Abnormal blood values compensated respiratory acidosis chronic bronchitis?

Compensated respiratory acidosis is described as any point in time where the body decreases the amount of respirations per minute, causing the amount of carbon dioxide in the body to increase. This increase changes the PH of the blood, which normally ranges anywhere between 7.35 and 7.45. This can be caused by a number of factors from infection, airway restriction or blockage, and by metabolic factors as well. Bronchitis is common with Compensated Respiratory Acidosis as the infection causes an increase in the carbon dioxide levels, due to the fact that the alveoli cannot remove the carbon dioxide fast enough, and restore it with oxygen. With blood tests we can see the change in the PH of the blood as well as the other PH balances in the body.