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Whenever we speak to someone, we adapt our language style to the situation, or to the context. For example, I do not speak to my boss the way I speak to my husband. I do not use a casual or conversational tone when I am giving a speech at a professional conference, but I absolutely do speak in slang and colloquialism when I am with my friends. I speak differently (use a different tone) if I am having a debate, versus if I am hanging with my friends and we are just chatting about whatever.

In order to communicate effectively, we need to consider other things about the context: am I speaking to a friendly audience or not? Am I speaking in a professional setting or am I with my family? Am I speaking to someone who is upset with me, or to someone who thinks I am an expert, or to someone who admires me, or to someone who has no idea who I am and has never met me? All of these scenarios are factors that can affect verbal communication.

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