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Q: What role does fungi and woodlice play in recycling the nutrients from the log?
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Does woodlice eat dead leaves?

No; woodlice are almost exclusively herbivorous, and not cannibalistic.However, woodlice are decomposers and do eat decaying or rotting matter such as rotting leaves and even other dead woodlice. I have a woodlice culture and I have observed woodlice eat other dead woodlice.

What roles do maggots play in recycling?

Maggots are decomposers and help to recycle nutrients.

What are the outstanding characteristics of the kingdom fungi is?

The outstanding characteristics of the kingdom Fungi are their ability to absorb nutrients from their surroundings, their cell walls made of chitin, and their reproductive structures called spores. Fungi play crucial roles in decomposition and nutrient recycling, and they have a wide range of forms, including mushrooms, yeasts, and molds. They can be found in diverse habitats, from soil to water to the human body.

What is the beneficial action of fungi?

The anti-biotic drug penicillin is produced by a fungus of the same name. It's the basis for a multi-million dollar industry - besides being a reason for a whole lot of people to be grateful.

What role do fungi play in nature?

Decomposition , Recycling , used as food ,cause disease , form lichens , form mycorrhizae .etc.

Are there decomposers in the plains of the US?

Yes, there are decomposers in the plains of the US. Decomposers play a crucial role in breaking down dead organic matter and recycling nutrients back into the ecosystem. They include bacteria, fungi, worms, and other organisms that help decompose plant and animal remains.

What role do fungi play in recycling nutrients in the environment?

Living things incorporate nutrients into their bodies. For example, plants absorb carbon dioxide from the air and water from the soil, then, using energy from the sun, synthesize carbon and hydrogen into carbohydrates. When you eat food, you break that food down into its basic units, then reassemble those to build things like muscle. Living things tie up nutrients, and without decomposers those nutrients would stay tied up. Decomposers like bacteria, earthworms, and fungi release those nutrients from the dead bodies of plants and animals or from animal feces.Fungi produce chemicals which break down dead matter into nutrients. By freeing nutrients from dead matter and waste, fungi make those nutrients available for growing plants to use. Fungi are an essential part of (cue music) the circle of life.

Why do fungi exist?

Many fungi play a crucial role in decomposition (breaking things down) and returning nutrients to the soil. They are also used in medicine, an example is theanribiotic penicillin, as well as in industry and food preparation.

What role does imperfect fungi play in the environment?

Fungi is a decomposer.

What is the meaning of saprophytes?

Saprophytes are organisms that obtain their nutrients by feeding on dead or decaying organic matter. They play an important role in the decomposition process and recycling of nutrients in ecosystems. Examples include certain fungi and bacteria.

Role of fungi in ecosystem?

Fungi play a crucial role in ecosystems as decomposers. They break down dead organic material, such as fallen trees and animal remains, and recycle nutrients back into the soil. This helps to maintain nutrient cycling and supports the growth of plants. Fungi also form symbiotic relationships with plants, such as mycorrhizae, where they assist in nutrient uptake by the plant roots. Without fungi, ecosystems would struggle to recycle nutrients efficiently.

What role do decomposers play in the ecosystem?

Decomposers are an essential component of any ecosystem. Their main role is to recycle nutrients in dead organisms and their wastes. Most decomposers are bacteria and fungi. Without the decomposers, there could be no life, since plants would then run out of nutrients.