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Q: What role does propoganda play in a war how effected can propaganda be?
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What role did Joseph goebbles play in the Nazi Germany?

he was the minister for propaganda.

What does squealer do in Animal Farm?

as you may or may not know, animal farm is based on the Russian revoloution. squealer represents the propoganda in russia after the revoloution, making people believe different ideas, like life was far worse before the revoloution when it wasnt.

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The Propaganda Movement in the Philippines aimed to expose the abuses of Spanish colonial rule through writings and publications. It helped Filipinos realize their identity and heritage, igniting a sense of national consciousness and unity among them. The movement paved the way for the eventual fight for independence from Spain.

What role did propaganda play in the Russian revolution?

During the Russian Revolution, propaganda used included dissemination of revolutionary ideas, teachings of Marxism, and theoretical and practical knowledge of Marxism economics.

What was the role of Joseph goebbels during the holocaust?

he was the propaganda minister.

What was Joseph Gobbles role in world war 2?

Reichsminister of Propaganda .

What role did propaganda play in ww1?

Propaganda helped the country seem more powerful and that could bribe them some power and allies from other countries. It also made them seem more powerful to the enemy. Land was also what war power was about.

What role does propaganda play in totaltarian regimes?

Propaganda in totalitarian regimes is used to control and manipulate the population by spreading biased or misleading information that promotes the regime's ideology and suppresses dissent. It helps indoctrinate citizens, create a sense of unity, and justify the regime's actions. Overall, propaganda is a powerful tool for maintaining power and controlling public opinion in totalitarian regimes.

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The role of ethics in the liquor and tobacco industry is low. The health and safety of citizens are effected by these industries.

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role play means like the role they play like example john cena's role play is to be one of the good guys

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