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Barack Obama now has to follow a set of rules at the global level in order to lead the country.

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Q: What rules does President Barack Obama now have to follow?
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When did Barack Obama rule America?

He didn't rule it. In America, we do not have a king or a queen, so we do not say our President "rules" our country. Our leaders are "elected" by the voters. So, if you are asking when he was elected as the leader of our country, Barack Obama became president in 2008, and then was re-elected in 2012.

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Barack Obama was lawfully elected President according to the rules set forth in the U.S. Constitution, so he is the Chief Executive of the United States de jure (according to the law).

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President Obama will do the same as the rest of us will. He will wait to see how the United States Supreme Court rules on the issue. In the meantime, he has done whatever he could to show support for same-sex couples and their right to marry.

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Barack ObamaObama is the president of the USABut Australia rules and America can go get f...cked

You often hear President Obama being called Mr Obama should he be only called Mr President or President Obama instead?

You can call him whatever you want, free speech, right? Unless you are in the military, there is no law or code of rules and standards you must follow when addressing the president.Having said that, although there is no mandate to do so, the tradition and standard protocol for showing the due respect to the President and the office he holds, is to call him either President Obama or Mr. President. Barack Obama is appropriate in some situations, but not Mr. Obama. He has earned the title and we should respect that enough to use proper etiquette and protocol when we address him. Very close friends and family may have been given his permission to call him Barack, but usually even they do so only in private, adopting the proper protocol in public.

Is Barack Obama the first illegitimate president?

Since President Obama's parents were married when he was born, he does not fit the dictionary definition of "illegitimate." But if you are referring to a political insult, this one has been thrown at candidates for decades. Whenever a candidate is elected, the other side claims voter fraud or says the election was illegitimate. The truth is, whether you like this president or dislike him, he was elected according to the rules of American democracy and is thus the legally elected president and not illegitimate in any way.

What are the purposes of Articles II of the Constitution?

It empowers the Presidency of the President and helps the President follow the rules of the Congress

What are the Seven basic rules of the president?

to represent his country, of course to follow the rules and I don't know of any other answer

Is it true that Barack Obama is going to give visas to everybody?

No, that is not true. President Obama did say in 2012 that he would stop ordering the deportation of young people (especially children) who were brought here without their knowledge by their undocumented parents, and who have lived here for their entire life. And he has also said he would like to reform our immigration laws (President Bush also said he wanted to do this, but could not get any reforms through congress; it is still doubtful that Mr. Obama will be able to do so). But President Obama has never said he would "give visas to everyone." The rules may eventually be reformed or modified, but there will still be rules for those who want to come here legally, whether to study or to live.