

What saint is celebrated on February 4?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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All the following saints are memorialized on February 4.


Alfonso de Meneses

Andrew Corsini

Aquilinus of Fossombrone

Aventinus of Chartres

Aventinus of Troyes



Dionisio de Vilaregut

Donatus of Fossombrone

Elizabeth Canori Mora

Eutychius of Rome

Gelasius of Fossombrone

Geminus of Fossombrone

Gilbert of Sempringham

Gillebert of Limerick

Isidore of Pelusium

Jane of Valois

Johanna of Frankrike

John Speed

John de Britto

Joseph of Leonissa


Magnus of Fossombrone

Maria de Mattias


Nicholas Studites

Nils Hermansson of Linköping






Rabanus Maurus


Simon of Saint Bertin

Theophilus the Penitent

Thomas Plumtree

Vincent of Troyes


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