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Q: What scientific instrument is used in measuring short vertical distances?
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What scientific instrument is used for measuring short vertical distances?

A cathetometer

What type of instrument is a Theodolite?

A theodolite is a precision measuring instrument used to measure angles in the horizontal or vertical plane. The instrument is mounted on a tripod and should be very precisely placed in order to make correct measurements.

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What instrument tells if thing is vertical?

Spirit level

What are the main differences between a theodolite and a total station?

A theodolite is a tripod mounted level used to measure horizontal and vertical distances and a measuring tape is a tape marked with increments: usually feet and inches (but also other increments such as tenths)

What is the origin of the word plumb and plumber?

The word "plumb" comes from the Latin word "plumbum," which means lead. Lead was commonly used in plumbing pipes in ancient times. "Plumber" is derived from the Latin word "plumbarius," which means one who works with lead.

What is a vertical plumb rod used for?

For measuring 'plumb' in conjunction with a spirit level.

When do you use theodolite for surveying?

To measure Angles, Process of Measuring Horizontal and vertical Angles

What goes on the vertical line on a scientific graph?

The y intercept

What instrument measures vertical movement along faults?

to measure vertical movments-tilt meter to measure horizontil movments-creep meter

What is ruler guide?

PowerPoint has the ruler features that you can use to measure vertical and horizontal distances of the drawing area

Who invented measuring devices?

Louis Paul Cailletet invented the altimeter - measures vertical distance. John Huddart invented the protractor - measuring plane angles.