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The Saudies are mostly the Sunni Muslims following the jurisprudence of Imam Ahmad Bin Humbal (RA). Of the various divisions of Hanbali Sunni Muslims, the King of Saudi Arabia is considered a Wahhabi Muslim.

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Q: What sect of Islam is the King of Saudi Arabia?
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What fundamentalist sect of Islam found in Saudi Arabia that considers themselves the purest form of Islam?

Wahhabism (Wahhabi Muslims). Bin lden was from them.

What is the dominant form of Islam in Saudi Arabia?

The dominant form of Islam in Saudi Arabia is Wahabi. This is a much stricter and more conservative version of Islam, and some of its customs (not allowing women to drive, for example) are at odds with other denominations of Islam.

The form of Islam most closely associated with Saudi Arabia is?

saudi arabia contain muslim people but it is not muslim country because muslim country is the country witch do the sharyaa "islam law" , they use some of these law and no country is close to Saudi Arabia

Do Shiites hate Saudi Arabia?

They hate Saudi family [Ibn Saud and his progeny] not Saudi Arabia, per se. Shiites hate Wahhabism (the movement of Sunni Islam that has official promotion in Saudi Arabia), not Arab people, because Wahhabism claims that Shiites are deviants from Islam and are a corrupted Jewish sect. This is untrue, since Shiites follow Islam from the time of Prophet Muhammad through his family (the sons and grandsons of his only daughter, Fatimah). Additionally, the Saudi government supports the persecution of Saudi Shiites and the destruction of their mosques.

Who has the power to decide in Saudi Arabia?

Answer 1God its the only Person who have the real power to decide in all the countries, but Him put the president to made the decision.Answer 2The leaders in Saudi Arabia with the most clout are the Absolute Monarch Abdullah bin Abdul-Aziz Al Saud and his relatives. In addition, the leaders of the Wahhabi Sect of Islam have official license as the Religion of Saudi Arabia.

Is the prince of Qatar sunni or shia?

Most Muslims in Saudi Arabia are considered Wahabi, which is a very strict sect of Sunni Islam.Wahhabi

Are there cultural differences between Qatar and Saudi Arabia?

Yes. For the most part, while both countries are fairly conservative, Saudi Arabia tends to be much more conservative. Both countries are Sunni Muslim, and have large populations of Wahabbis (Strict sect of Sunni Islam). However, Qatar is not as strict as Saudi Arabia when it comes to consumption of alcohol, as it is allowed by owning a permit or purchasing from a hotel bar. In Saudi Arabia, alcohol is allowed nowhere, and there are serious punishments for those who smuggle it. In general, Qatar is somewhat more liberal about certain things then Saudi, but both countries are quite conservative by Western standards.

Is sufism and Islam different path?

Sufism is a branch of the Sunni sect of Islam. Sunni's are the most popular sect.

Who are the sect leaders of the sunnis shiites and sufis?

for sunni each sect has its leader. for example for Wahhabi sect there are some leaders in Saudi Arabia and also the Al-Azhar university of Egypt play the role of many sunni Muslims. also for Shia now Imam Khamenei is the main leader. about sufi there in no main leader.

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Sufism is a mystical sect of?

Of Islam.

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