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A lot of things should be changed about the Spartan community. Children should not be taught to steal, women should not get raped, babies shouldn't be bathed with wine, boys shouldn't fight in wars at the age of 7. Too much problems too little time. Sandra IS303 6th grade.

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Q: What should be changed in the spartan community?
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Spartan Pool Corp went out of business in the eighties, but Spartan Pools in Saginaw, MI, kept the name as they were a dealer. They have since begun producing corners and coping clips for old Spartan swimming pools. You should be able to find them online with a quick Google search.

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Spartan - Lacedaemonius

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"Spartan" is spelled as S-P-A-R-T-A-N.

Are there more Spartans than master chief still alive?

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