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You should have something to cover the bottom with like rocks (gravel) that's big enough so that the turtle won't swallow it. (Because turtle's try to eat the stuff on the bottom if it's small enough to swallow.) You should have a rock or log for the turtle to bask on.Also make sure to have a place for the turtle to hide, this provides a less stressful environment for them. You should have some water plants in there for them.For Example: Amazon Sword, Java Fern, Common Waterweed. But before you put these in check to make sure they are not toxic to the turtles in case they decide to have a little snack... Make sure you have a filter (the bigger the better), the cleaner your tank is there's less a chance your turtle will get sick. Also clean your tank once a week because turtle tend to carry salmonella ( don't worry you wont get it as long as after handling the turtle or the tank you wash your hands thoroughly.) Make sure you have a UVB light over the basking area, and a heat lamp over the water. Depending on how cold your house temp. is you can get a heating mat for your tank. Well this is all i know about it so hoped i helped.

OH! I almost forgot, You might need to put your turtle!(:

Ok well hope it goes well!!!(:


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They need to have a wet area so they do not die but yet have places to bask in the sun.

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Q: What should be in a painted turtles tank?
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Can slider turtles and painted turtles be in the same tank?

Sorry, I don't know the answer to your question. However, turtle shells should not be painted. The paint prevents the shell from growing with the turtle, and it amounts to slow suffocation and death for the painted turtle. first he did not paint the turtle that's the type of turtle he has second yes they can be in the same tank.

Does a baby turtle need a big tank?

What kind of turtle is it? Turtles like painted turtles and slider turtles should be fine. But turtles like musk, mud, or soft shell turtles would have trouble reaching the surface to breath. Do some research on your turtle and find out what their habitat should be. Deep or shallow.

Can you put a baby painted turtles of different genders in the same tank?

Yes you can! In fact it is recommended that you do!

Are stink pot turtles and painted turtles the same?

no, stinpots are musk turtles not painted turtles

What size of tank should small turtles be in?

About a 20 gallon tank.

Are baby painted turtles poisonous?

painted turtles are NOT harmful at all!

What temperature should a painted turtle be in?

Painted Turtles should be kept in water between the temperatures of 75-80 degrees F.

Will a baby snapping turtle harm baby painted turtles if placed in the same tank?

No they will kill each other

Should young painted turtles be released in a pond with mature snapping turtles?

Absolutely not unless you want them to die.

When do painted turtles need to be fed?

Baby painted turtles can be fed any time during the day, once a day. Allow they them to eat as much as they want for 30 minutes. Adults can be fed any time during the day, every other day. Let them eat as much as they want for 30 minutes to an hour. I recommend feeding your turtles in a separate tank because painted turtles are very messy! If you feed then in their tank then they will quickly ruin the water. That goes for any kind of turtle.

Can baby painted turtles be with adult painted turtles?

You're not suppose to, but i have a penny-sized painted turtle in with 2 huge red eared sliders. The pet store says they should be comparible in size. but go ahead

How does the painted turtle drink?

painted turtles drink out of a little drinking dish. painted turtles like fresh unsalted water