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Radon:...... 6p6





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Radon: ..........6p6





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Q: What should the electron configuration for neon (Ne) end with?
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How does the electron configuration for sulfur end?

The electron configuration for sulfur end with 3p4.

What does the electron configuration of noble gases neon through radon end with?

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Aluminum is the 3rd row of our periodic table, so to make its short-hand electron configuration, we start with the noble gas on the end of the previous row, neon (Ne), in this case. Being in the 3A column, Al has 3 electrons in the outer shell, so the configuration is: [Ne] 3s2 3p1

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Helium is at the end of row 1 in the periodic table 1s2

How would the electron configurations for sulfur end?

The atomic number for sulfur is 16. That means that its electron configuration is 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p4. This can be shortened to [Ne] 3s2 3p4, which shows you that 3s2 3p4 is how sulfur's electron configuration ends.

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All elements in group 1 have 1 valence electron.

Explain what a noble-gas electron configuration is?

The noble gas notation is a notation formed as a result of the electron configuration notation being used in conjunction with noble gases. The noble gas preceding the element in question is written then the electron configuration is continued from that point onwards. The notation is shorter to write and makes it easier to identify elements. The noble gas notation starts for elements after helium. For example, the electronic configuration of carbon is 1s2 2s2 2p2, whereas its noble gas notation is [He] 2s2 2p2.