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5 inches! The water depth should be about the shell length.

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Q: What should the water depth be for a 5 inch red eared slider?
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How long should you keep a red-eared slider turtle in water?

They should have access to a source of water as well as a place to get out of the water at all times.

Should you feed your red eared slider turtle with a food tray?

no,slider turtles have fixed tongues but no saliva for that reason they must eat inside water

Are red eared slider turtles land or water turtles?

red eared turtles live in both ,water and land

Will it harm the red eared slider to drop her eggs while she is in water?

It won't harm the turtle - but the eggs should be removed from the water as soon as possible.

Do red-eared slider turles drink from a water bowl?

No, they drink the water that they are swimming/living in.

My red eared slider turtle isn't eating what can i do?

Cheek it water it needs to be warm.

Does water temperature affect red eared slider turtles shells?

yes, it does.

How can you tell the water too cold for a red eared slider turtle?

Use a thermometer ! You, as a keeper, should know the temperature ranges suitable for a RES.

Should you give a red eared slider turtle a lot of water or not?

A lot of water; 10 gallons of water per 1 inch of shell. So if the turtle is 8" long it should have at least 80 gallons of water.

Can you keep a baby red eared slider out of water over night?

Yes, I put my baby slider in a sand filled terrarium over night and feed him in water and he is doing ok

Can you put bamboo with a red eared slider turtle?

I suppose you can but any benefit no. Get different water plants