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Unfortunately, you should have told her how you felt either by phone (if she doesn't live where you do) or in person. It's not a good idea at the beginning of a relationship to put anything in writing until you get to know that person better. She is perhaps pondering what you said in the letter. I have no idea what you said and it's none of my business, but, I am sure it was pretty intense so give her a bit to digest what you have said. The polite thing to do is to respond of course and she may or may not. If you don't hear from her in another week then phone her. Perhaps she didn't get the letter yet? I live in Canada and sent a letter to a friend of mine in Charleston, SC, and it took 3 1/2 weeks for her to get it (by airmail!) Don't second-guess the love of your life and if you live in another town, give that letter at least 3 weeks to arrive at her door. I really wish you good luck Merry Christmas Marcy

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Q: What should you do if you cannot stop thinking about a girl and you've sent her a letter saying how you feel and desperately want to know what she thinks but it's been nearly a week?
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