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If you were the insured, only your name should have been on the check. Guess you are not so lucky if the banks name is one of the Payee's. Don't know why they would be unless it was a total loss and then it all would go to them as the loss payee in which case you owed them the money anyway otherwise they would not have been a loss payess. They will then give the balance after your note is paid back to you. Lucky you! You just got a bonus! what if the check has the banks name on it also dont they have to sign off on it Thank You 4LifeGuild I will keep the outcome posted.

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Q: What should you do if you sent in a claim due to hurricane damage and you sold your house and your insurance sent you a check but you've already paid off the loan?
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Do you have hurricane ins?

If you live in a hurricane prone area, you should have hurricane insurance. People who live in the Midwest do not carry hurricane insurance on their property.

Does insurance cover pool damage due to falling trees in a hurricane?

It depends on the insurance policy you bought. You should contact your insurance agent and ask if you have coverage for additional structures and if your Pool is scheduled as an additional structure.

Is it worth it to get a home insurance policy?

Yes one should always a home insurance policy. They protect one in case of burglary, accidental damage or natural disasters such as floods and hurricane damage. Without insurance one could have to pay thousands of dollars for potential repairs.

Who offers hurricane insurance?

Liberty Mutual Insurance offers hurricane insurance. This type of insurance is an add on so consumers should check their policies to make sure they are covered.

Who should you call when a hurricane occurs?

Hurricanes are large, slow-moving storm systems that are widely publicized. Everyone in the region will be aware of the storm long before it makes landfall. If you have property damage as the result of a hurricane, you should contact your insurance agent.

Can you insure a house that does not belong to you?

You can obtain renters insurance that would cover damage to the contents. The homeowner should already have hazard insurance, so there is not any point in your trying to purchase that.

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Let your insurance company handle it. They do it all the time.

Should my neighbor's insurance cover for my damage?

If your neighbor is responsible for the damage, yes. If not, no.

What part of your insurance covers someone running into a fence?

The person's collision insurance should cover the damage to their car, and their liability insurance should cover the damage to the fence and property. If they have no collision insurance, they will have to fix their car on their own.

Does comprehensive auto insurance cover damage from road debris?

It depends on the terms of the insurance and the type of damage to the vehicle. Contact your insurance agent for the terms of your insurance. In general, it should.

Should homeowners insurance cover cars in garage fire?

No, unfortunately it does not. Your homeowners insurance covers damage to your home. Your auto insurance covers damage to your car.

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Contact your insurance company to see if they can repair your damage for free and get the bikers insurance details and their name and adddress if your insurance needs them.