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  • People cheat for reasons of their own and it indicates they are not happy in their marriage, but it is no excuse for cheating. You have to start communicating with your husband in a calm manner and ask him why he is emotionally distant from you. Perhaps suggest marriage counseling to him or if he even wants to continue on in the marriage. It is a risk you will have to take, but give him two choices; either go with you to marriage counseling or try to sit down calmly together and go through your marriage problems and try to rectify them. There are four different times in a marriage that are at high risk for one or both partners to cheat: #1 When young people get married and they realize marriage isn't always a bed of roses and may get bored or question if they love their partner and may cheat. #2 Men in their 40's and up can go through Andropause (much like women's menopause, but not as intense) where they go through mood changes; feel they are missing out on life and want to reach back to be young again and see if they can still attract the opposite sex so they may cheat. #3 When a couple has raised their children and they leave home it is called 'empty nest syndrome' and suddenly the husband and wife are staring at each other like strangers and don't know what to do with each other because they usually did not take time out for themselves while raising children. #4 When a couple gets older they can often know each other so well and perhaps feel bored or trapped in a marriage or, one partner can be very ill and the other spouse cannot handle the energy it takes to look after them and they may cheat. As one ages they have to face their own mortality and realize what they want in life (or at least they may think they need something else) but often times 'the grass is not greener on the other side of the fence.'
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Q: What should you do if your husband is emotionally distant after stopping his affair?
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if he had an affair, then he shouldn't still be your "spouse", in my opinion.

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Having an affair can be emotionally devastating for one's spouse. So, it is not surprising that a person's spouse would ignore them after they learned of an affair. To make a marriage work following infidelity, both parties need to be willing to work it out, and they should likely attend couple's therapy.

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if he is accusing you of having an affair, when you are not.

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Women by nature are jealous of the other woman so they have a tendency to blame the mistress in the affair and even when the mistress harasses the wife, but it is the husband in this case that should stop the harassment because he started it all. Get tough with the husband and ignore the mistress; the ball is in his court.

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ANSWER: Even if your husband is an affair material, that will not be his legit reason why he is having an affair. It can't be that he is not getting his needs at home, it will explain why he ask you to marry him if he will betrayed you.

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You do not tell your husband's girlfriend's employer anything. The employer is a businessman and is not interested in the private affairs of his employees unless it interferes with their work performance. It should be your husband you are going after and if you feel the relationship is over then file for divorce. Your husband is the one that started this affair because he either provoked the affair or he could have said 'no' if she suggested having an affair with him. Put the blame where it belongs ... your husband!

Did I do the right thing by telling the husband his wife was having an affair with your husband?

No, it is not a mistake to tell the husband his wife was having an affair with your husband. However, some wives can be in denial and they may not believe their husband is cheating, but most do.

Is an Internet relationship considered an affair?

Yes, an internet relationship is considered as an affair. Any time you emotionally (and even physically/intimately) invest in anyone besides your partner, you are having an affair

Does your husband has more chemistry with the woman he's having an affair with than he does with you?

Yes, that is why he is having an affair.

Why is it hard to have intimacy after your husband had the affair?

An affair is a betrayal of trust, and it is very hard to be comfortable and intimate with someone (your husband or anyone else) when your trust has been betrayed.