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Subtract the atomic number from the Atomic Mass after rounding each.

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Q: What should you do to find the number of neutrons in an atom?
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How do you find the neutrons for an atom?

Neutrons = Mass number - Number of Protons

What is the number of an atom with 5 protons and 7 neutrons?

To the find the mass number of an atom you add the protons and neutrons. Meaning that the mass number of this atom is 12.

How do you find out how many neutrons a atom has?

Mass number = Atomic number (or number of protons) + Number of neutrons

What Used to find the number of neutrons?

To find the number of neutrons in an atom, subtract the atomic number (number of protons) from the atomic mass number. Neutrons are uncharged particles found in the nucleus of an atom and their number can vary for a given element based on isotopes.

How do you figures out how many neutrons are in an an atom?

Finding out how many neutrons are in a atom is easy. All you have to do is find the element's atomic number and atomic weight.

Where do you find the isotopes in an atom?

The isotope of an atom is dependant on the number of neutrons in the atom's nucleus eg normal carbon has 6 neutrons and 6 protons but the isotope of carbon has 8 neutrons and 6 protons

How do you find the number of nucleons?

To find the number of nucleons in an atom, you add the number of protons and the number of neutrons together. Nucleons are the collective term for protons and neutrons found in the nucleus of an atom.

How do you find the number of electrons in an atom if you know the number of protons and neutrons?

In a neutral atom, the number of electrons is equal to the number of protons of the nucleus.

If an atom has an atomic namber of 20 and a mass namber of 53 how many protons and neutrons does that atom have?

uh, for one thing mass and atomic nUmbers. and the other: it has 20 protons and 33 neutrons. The atom would have 20 protons and 33 neutrons. The number of protons is always the same as the atomic number. To find the number of neutrons, you simply subtract the atomic number from the atomic mass. Atomic mass - Atomic number = number of neutrons (53 - 20 = 33) If you add the number of protons and the number of neutrons together, you should get the atomic mass.

How do you figure out how many neutrons are found in an atom?

Finding out how many neutrons are in a atom is easy. All you have to do is find the element's atomic number and atomic weight.

What particles make up the mass of an atom?

The number of protons

How do you find the number of neutrons in an atom if that number is not told to you?

To find the number of neutrons in an atom, subtract the atomic number (number of protons) from the atomic mass number (rounded to the nearest whole number). The atomic mass is generally provided in the periodic table or can be calculated as the sum of protons and neutrons.