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Some women have a bad habit of dragging their friends along with her boyfriend (especially girlfriends) and it get's to be a drag after awhile. It's fine to go out to clubs as a group once in awhile, but it's best to go out with your boyfriend to a movie, just stay home and cuddle up, etc. (LOL) and have a nice private evening to yourselves. You can mix the both of them together. Why don't you just ask him what he means by this. I have a hunch you drag too many people along everywhere you go. Don't! Marcy

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Q: What should you do when a guy says he would rather go out with you than your friends?
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If he says he just wants to be friends that means he just wants to be friends so YES you should believe him.

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Accept that as your friends answer.

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It means he truly cares about you and wants to be with you. Don't be worried about it. It just means that he wants to spend time with you, and there's nothing wrong with that. My boyfriend does it all the time hed rather be with me than his friends.

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If the friend who went out with the guy first says that she does not have a problem with it then it would be fine to go out with the guy. If the friend says that she would rather you did not go out with the guy and the friendship is important to the person and the friend means a lot to them they it they should not.

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I Think You Should Stay Friends Because If He/She Says No Then, Your Friendship Would Be Ruined With Him/Her Knowing You Like Them. So Stay Friends, Unless You Know That They Like You Back! :)

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Most couples that end a relationship would rather move on then remain friends. Once lovers it is rather difficult to remain friends and see your counterpart date other people. He is letting you know the relationship he had with you is completely over and he chooses to move on and not remain friends.

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that u would rather be dead then going through something bad

Ok so what does it mean when friends ask the guy you like if hed date you and he says yeswhat do you do?

what do u mean? maybe ur friends were trying to just be friends. if u like him then date and maybe just let your friends know that u would rather ask the guys nout from here on.

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If he says no in front of your friends, don't sweat it. If they make fun of you, just walk away. If they mind, they obviously aren't your friends. just think about what you would do if they were you.

Is it ok for a girlfriend to go out with her friends but without you all the time?

Ya, its ok when she goes out with her friends sometimes, but you should go sometimes too. If she says no, my question would be why wouldn't she want you to go?