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Q: What should you expect if you have terminal cervical cancer?
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Should you bleed after cervical cauterization?

Cervical cauterization is a form of treatment for cervical erosion. Yes, you should expect to bleed a little after having this procedure.

Can you still get cervical cancer if you have had a partial hysteroctemy?

Hysterectomy is only the removal of uterus and you therefore can get cervical cancer, you should continue with pap tests. If you mean a total hysterectomy then both uterus and cervix are removed and cervical cancer is eliminated.

Should pap smears be delayed until the appearance of cervical cancer symptoms?

Pap smears should not be delayed until the appearance of cervical cancer symptoms. It is recommended that pap smears be done as early as possible because if signs of cervical cancer are caught early, then there is a very high chance of curing it.

What type of testing is done to see if I would have cervical cancer?

To determine if you have cervical cancer, you will need to undergo a pap test and pelvic exam. These are routine procedures that should be done once a year.

Can cervical cancer cause cervical incompetence?

Cervical cancer itself does not directly cause cervical incompetence. Cervical incompetence, also known as an incompetent cervix, is a separate medical condition characterized by a weakened or insufficiently strong cervix, the lower part of the uterus. It can lead to the premature opening of the cervix during pregnancy, increasing the risk of preterm birth or miscarriage. Cervical cancer is a condition where malignant cells develop in the cervix, which can lead to various symptoms and complications related to cancer, but it is not the direct cause of cervical incompetence. However, treatments for cervical cancer, such as surgery to remove part or all of the cervix (e.g., a hysterectomy), can potentially impact cervical integrity and may be associated with cervical incompetence. It's important for individuals with cervical cancer or concerns about cervical health to consult with their healthcare providers for a comprehensive evaluation and appropriate management of any associated conditions.

Can intercourse to a cancer patient cause cancer?

Yes, although it may not be comfortable for the woman. Cervical cancer can cause abnormal uterine bleeding, and can cause vaginal discomfort. It is important to know that cervical cancer is caused from HPV, which is a sexually transmitted virus. If a woman has cervical cancer, she should make certain to have protected sex when with a new partner so as not to spread the virus.

If a girl had cervical cancer did her partner have HPV?

No, not necessarily. Cervical cancer is not always caused by the HPV virus and can be for a variety of reasons. Therefore, it is not necessarily because her partner has/had HPV, however this possibility should not be ruled out.

What is Cervical Cancer and How Can It Be Treated and Prevented?

What is cervical cancer?The cervix is the female hormone that connects the uterus to the vagina. Cancer occurs when the cells in the cervix begin to grow and divide abnormally. It is caused by the human papillomavirus or HPV. Women who have had many sexual partners or had sex before the age of 18 are at the greatest risk for developing cervical cancer. Additionally, cervical cancer is more common in women who have a weakened immune system.What are some of the symptoms of cervical cancer?Most women will not notice any symptoms during the early stages of cervical cancer. Bloody discharge and pelvic pain are signs of advanced cervical cancer. Women who have any symptom that concerns them should not hesitate to see their doctors.What are some of the treatment options for cervical cancer?If a patient is in the early stage of cervical cancer, the doctor will elect to perform an hysterectomy. A hysterectomy is a procedure that removes the uterus. If a woman is found to be in the advanced stage of cervical cancer, the doctor will order radiation therapy or chemotherapy. Radiation therapy uses energy to kill the cancerous cells. Chemotherapy uses drugs to get rid of the cancer.What can be done to prevent cervical cancer?One of the best things that women can do to prevent cervical cancer is get pap smears regularly. Women who are between the ages of 21 and 30 should get a pap smear at least once every two years. A woman should get a pap smear at least every three years after her 30th birthday.Doctors also recommend that women and girls who are between the ages of 9 and 26 get the Gardasil shot. This vaccination helps protect against some of the most dangerous types of HPV. Additionally, women should limit the number of sexual partners that they have.

Can you still have cervical mucus changes while on birth control?

You should not expect cyclic cervical mucus changes while on hormonal birth control. Hormonal birth control thickens the cervical mucus.

Should you eat before your cervical cancer jab?

Yes have something for breakfast, i get Mine today!

When should radical neck dissection not be used?

This operation should not be done if cancer has metastasized (spread) beyond the head and neck, or if the cancer has invaded the bones of the cervical vertebrae

What are the warning signs of cervical cancer?

Unusual bleeding and pain in the pelvis are early signs of cervical cancer. You should see the doctor as soon as you experience these symptoms. for more info look at