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in 6 weeks and 2 days the heart and movement can be seen and the measurment of fetus is about 3/4 cm

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Q: What should you see on a 6 week 2 day ultrasound?
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Had ultrasound at six weeks 1 day no baby just a sac dr worried might have stoped developing but did blood work that day and hcg was 16000 and it was only 5000 week before so if no baby why keep risin?

Sometimes 6 weeks is just to early. You may be off on your days of implantation which makes a big difference this early in the game. Wait a week or two and have another ultrasound. By then you should see if the baby has developed. Sometimes 6 weeks is just to early. You may be off on your days of implantation which makes a big difference this early in the game. Wait a week or two and have another ultrasound. By then you should see if the baby has developed.

How do you guess the week of pregnancy if the period is irregular?

Don't guess, go see the doctor and have a ultrasound.

What if you have sypmtoms of pregnancy but get a false pregnancy test?

Wait a week and see if you get your period. If not, test again. If that one is negative and you still don't have your period, see a doctor for blood testing and an ultrasound. The only true way to see is an ultrasound!

Can you tell the difference on an ultrasound scan a 6 week pregnancy to a 10 week pregnancy?

To the untrained eye, probably not. Most people can't see anything in an ultrasound pic. Later on in pregnancy though, that 4 weeks can show a lot of differences.

In a renal ultrasound can you see liver?

in a renal ultrasound we can see the liver.

What is a pill reminder?

It a plastic see-thru box with 7 days of the week telling you what day during the week you should take the rite pill.

How much should I take a day?

You should take 100 to 200 milligrams a day. Start off with 100 and see if you see any results after a week. If you don't, up your daily intake to 200 milligrams.

You are 5 weeks 6 days and you had an ultrasound for the heartbeat which was 100 The Doc wants you to come back in 1 week for another ultrasound to measure the heartbeat again Should you be worried?

No 6 weeks is very early for a scan which is most likely why he would like to see you again in a weeks time.

What day of the week is Monday is Monday the second day of the week?

Yes, Monday is the second day of the week. See the related question below.

If your ultrasound measured 6 weeks 4 days but no fetal pole was seen what are your chances of a miscarriage?

From what I understand, you should see a fetal pole by that time. However, I would go back for another u/s in about a week to see if things have changed or not.

How do I know my accurate due date when based on my period it would be Jan 10 but an ultrasound says Jan 14?

ultrasounds are a better judge, in an ultasound it measures the baby to see how big it is and then it is fed into a chart that will tell you when the due date is, the chart is based off of what size the baby should be at that week and day.

Which day is the first day of the week in India?

The first day of the week in India and any country is Sunday. See the related question below.The first day of the week in India and any country is Sunday. See the related question below.The first day of the week in India and any country is Sunday. See the related question below.The first day of the week in India and any country is Sunday. See the related question below.The first day of the week in India and any country is Sunday. See the related question below.The first day of the week in India and any country is Sunday. See the related question below.The first day of the week in India and any country is Sunday. See the related question below.The first day of the week in India and any country is Sunday. See the related question below.The first day of the week in India and any country is Sunday. See the related question below.The first day of the week in India and any country is Sunday. See the related question below.The first day of the week in India and any country is Sunday. See the related question below.